Henry Miller *fathered* those cute chicks?? Gah he's ugly!
I like the feistiness of Tall Grey Chick. You go girl! Maybe she wants to escape the fate of being banged by Henry Miller.
Barred Rocks are handsome chickens. I have a fondness for Rhode Island Reds too, as that's what my grandmother had when I was in middle school (before them she had standard White Leghorns--nice but boring).
I love my Barred Rocks - and the Rhodies I had. I'm a big fan of heritage breeds.
I like the feistiness of Tall Grey Chick. You go girl! Maybe she wants to escape the fate of being banged by Henry Miller. I wouldn't blame her for that at all. At least the Ohio chickens got banged by a variety of (mostly) hot boys. (Those bantams were not all that.) I half wish that TGC is a rooster because we could replace HM!
And, no, thankfully HM is NOT the father. These chicks came from a hatchery. And will grow up to be pretty.
LOL. They're just different breeds. Koshie, Wolfie, and I chose some very attractive birds. Actually, many of them are the same, but the Turken rooster is UGLY!
Comments 19
I like the feistiness of Tall Grey Chick. You go girl! Maybe she wants to escape the fate of being banged by Henry Miller.
Barred Rocks are handsome chickens. I have a fondness for Rhode Island Reds too, as that's what my grandmother had when I was in middle school (before them she had standard White Leghorns--nice but boring).
I like the feistiness of Tall Grey Chick. You go girl! Maybe she wants to escape the fate of being banged by Henry Miller.
I wouldn't blame her for that at all. At least the Ohio chickens got banged by a variety of (mostly) hot boys. (Those bantams were not all that.) I half wish that TGC is a rooster because we could replace HM!
And, no, thankfully HM is NOT the father. These chicks came from a hatchery. And will grow up to be pretty.
I guess I should say that I don't expect Ohio birds to BE uglier, it's just such a difference!
The chics are so cute, and you have a Turken Rooster :O And she definitely looks like a disgruntled Wyandotte.
Great pictures.
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