Title:Darkness hides his flaws
brightstarmaraFandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters/Pairing: Damon
Table: In The Dark
Prompt: Tender is the Night
Rating: PG 13
Summary: he only feels at ease in the darkness
Word Count:200
Notes: my first in a long time.
The darkness hides his flaws.
His fingertip traces a line down her shoulder. Softly, so she doesn’t wake up. Her hair runs between his fingers, falling messy on his pillow. Carefully, he leans in and lets his lips ghost over her skin. Sometimes he whispers to her when she’s awake, but most of the time she is asleep when he does it. She hears him though. Smiling, he watches her move in her dreams and wonders what she is doing. Running? Swimming? Yelling at him? She’ll never tell and he’ll never ask. Not even here, not even now.
She doesn’t need to ask what he dreams. Because she already knows. She is as hungry as he is and just as full of dark rage. She lets it out in controlled bursts. And teaches him how. Not that she minds the sight, but the shadows hide his eyes, dark lines cracking under them. It hides his snarl and the teeth behind his lips. They change when she looks at him a certain way, touches him right there. He doesn’t understand why it happens or why it matters to him. But it does.
He only feels at ease away from the light.