ARGH, I'm so inspired by Cas/Hannah that I keep trying to come up with some kind of related episode tag, but as I felt about S2-S3, everything I want to have happen is already happening, so I just want to revel in the joy of letting someone else create exactly what I want to see. :-D
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Comments 8
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I agree with the too human thing though. Getting all the mushy feelings for Cas, yeah okay, I can go with that, but I'd like her to be a bit more uncomfortable with it. And the pant suit should go...asap...not in a sexytimes way but y'know...okay it'll probably be in a sexytimes way.
God, that's gonna be awkward x
I really disliked her character at first, too, but I love what they're doing with her so far this season!
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As for Castiel and Hannah, I am loving their adventures together so much! I hope that she and Castiel keep driving around and getting lost and buying gas together. Hannah's taken to humanity very quickly, I agree, aha. I too would have appreciated more weirdness, because I love that, but I'm willing to believe that Hannah really is a quick study (and has a vested interest in the topic, heh).
I don't think I'd have noticed the pants if it weren't for caranfindel, haha, but we got a really good shot of them this episode. OH MY GOD. XDDD But you're right, they're weirdly endearing. I want to know Hannah's vessel now. I feel like she probably does, too.
ME TOO. I loved that when they seemed to feel lost in the middle of nowhere, it turned out they were only five miles away from the bunker. Angels + cars = not a good combo.
ha ha, the pants. I used to think they matched the cheap overjacket in fabric, but yes, this ep had full-length shots in full sun and we got to see them in vivid detail, only to discover they're worn, incredibly tight jeans with the ever-fashionable (and very grown-up looking) rolled-up cuffs. (*gags a little*) Still, somehow, she works it. Also, the childish rolled-up cuffs give her an appropriate edge of innocence that really works for the character ....
Awkward angel sex? Yes, please.
btw, I read your review before I saw the ep, and when you described Cas and Hannah's near-flirtation as Hannah handing Cas a note that read "Do you like me?," you were so deadpan I had no idea if that really happened in the episode or not--you really had me going until I actually watched it. I was relieved when it wasn't quite that middle school. Great review of the ep as always.
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