A sad lesson learned.

Jul 09, 2007 11:51

So last night turned out to be an interesting and scary evening. Or morning. I was on the phone with Sal until about 1:13am and then we both decide we needed to pass out. So I got Teegan calmed down and was almost asleep when a woman started screaming in my apt complex

Nothing new right? )

loft, apt

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Comments 7

wiccagirl24 July 9 2007, 19:31:21 UTC
Pah, like Ryan would come out.

You, my dear, are just a wonderful and thoughtful person.

I hope Johanna heals quickly, and is strong enough to say no if the BF comes back. Bastard.

*hugs you*


brightillusions July 9 2007, 20:19:20 UTC
Thank you. I just couldn't let her stay out there alone, screaming for help. I'm certainly glad I did, it took forever for someone else to come out.

That's exactly what I am hoping. She needs to relax and get better not deal with someone like that.


(The comment has been removed)

brightillusions July 9 2007, 20:17:51 UTC
That's why I hesitated before leaving the apt while I was on the hone with 911, I figured if he broke his girlfriend's leg, he wouldn't think twice about messing me up. But I couldn't leave her alone screaming like that so I said fuck it and ran.

The boyfriend would have beat me to her if he'd have been here, my roommate never even got up. Even after I came back inside and was talking with Teegan. Nothing.

It scared the hell out of me for sure. But I'm just hoping Karma will come back and if I need help one day someone'll step up.


dragonessasmith July 9 2007, 20:22:05 UTC
Eee, that's quite scary. Yays to you for going out there though. Just proves yet again that you've got more balls than most men. ^^ Hugs to you and Johanna, and I hope they catch the guy.


wtfbingo July 9 2007, 20:29:32 UTC
Wow. Jane, you are a wonderful person, as always.

Unfortunately, she will probably stay with him. :(


smackalalala July 9 2007, 23:58:41 UTC
Man, that's awful what happened to her. I'm glad you did something. I honestly don't know if I would have done the same thing - I'd like to think I would, but you never know. In situations like that, you always tend to think someone else is going to help. But when everyone thinks like that, no one steps up. I'm glad you did. *hugs*


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