
Nov 28, 2011 18:18

So I found out today that Avon tests their products on animals and now i need to find a new mineral powder foundation. I'm super picky which makes it even harder. I know all about bare minerals but I feel like it makes my face look dirty.

Mac is super expensive but I'll go that route if I have to based on my morals. I don't abide by animal testing ( Read more... )

via ljapp

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Comments 1

scullyseviltwin November 29 2011, 03:36:06 UTC
Try Smashbox. They're AMAZING. I don't know if they have mineral powder though...

I know Body Shop has it and they're also against animal testing.

I personally only use Smashbox and Body Shop, but I hear Urban Decay is amazing as well. Check Sephora's website, I think they have a cruelty free search tab.


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