I'ma be Oprah rich!

Dec 23, 2010 19:00

Just took the bug into the dealer to finally get her fixed. Some dude tried hard to dick me around on a price but John at Clovis Vee Dub took very good care of me and set me up with a helluva deal on a tranny and the labor. The other dude was gonna charge me 2500 for the tranny and 2500 for labor, this guy is doing 2800 on the tranny and 616 on ( Read more... )

sal, car woes, life

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Comments 3

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brightillusions December 24 2010, 23:07:13 UTC
Thanks sweets! I am vowing to post more, and probably waay too often in the coming year!


jackmaybenimble December 24 2010, 16:27:20 UTC
God love mechanics who don't rip you off. Perhaps I should retrain.....


brightillusions December 24 2010, 23:07:48 UTC
If I had it to do all over again, I'd have taken shop in HS.


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