
Mar 02, 2010 21:15

Guys. I survived my thirtieth birthday. And I didn't get totally hammered and throw up like I wanted to. My closest in town peeps were there and lots of my lovelies were there in spirit. So it wasn't horrible. As scared as I've been to become 30 it didn't end up being horrible. It's just horrible that I am 30. I don't feel like it thank you ( Read more... )

dooney, tv, sara, friends, bones, sal, birthday

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Comments 8

callmedirk March 3 2010, 05:22:41 UTC
Ha! You liked the Glee CD, huh? You called it epic! *weeps* I tell you "Don't Rain On My Parade" will own my soul forever.


afteriwake March 3 2010, 05:43:53 UTC
See, I get to turn 30 next year and I'm dreading it. I think the fact that you had a good birthday gives me hope that I may have one as well. And I feel bad that I didn't offer good wishes earlier, so...Happy Birthday!


brightillusions March 3 2010, 05:50:54 UTC
I've literally been terrified of this day since I turned twenty. I had this dread that some cataclysmic event and I was going to die or be horribly disfigured. Something off the wall.

And it was relatively boring. And to be honest, I don't feel 30, I don't act 30 and I'm not settled down with kids and stuff so I tend to play all the video games I want and stuff.

I think you'll find it's not as bad as it seems. Although I still wish I was 21. =)

And thank you thank you!


afteriwake March 3 2010, 05:54:52 UTC
The only reason I am afraid of turning 40 is that my son will be 18, and I don't want to think about that for another 10 years. Other than that, that particular milestone doesn't bug me, but 30 scares me. And you're very welcome.


gryphonlsb March 3 2010, 06:29:33 UTC
I wasnt sure how to take 30, but within 6 months of my birthday I had bought my house, so my 30's have been one of the better decades I have had so far.
House, own my own business, Serenity a good decade


cerulean_breeze March 3 2010, 11:15:10 UTC
You totally don't look thirty, and the way you were acting with me was definitely not thirty, and ramblelite certainly didn't think you were turning thirty, so you're golden.

I love you more than text on a screen can properly express. <3


brightillusions March 6 2010, 07:10:31 UTC
You always know how to make me smile.


taylorgibbs March 3 2010, 19:56:58 UTC
Happy belated B-day :)


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