Master Post: Into the Living Sea

Sep 15, 2008 16:38

Big Boom 2008!
It's my turn again to make my contribution to heroes_bigboom. If you haven't been reading, you should go check it out, because there ares lots of rockin' epic-length Heroes fic. Srsly.

Final title: Into the Living Sea
Pairings: Nathan/Peter, brief Peter/OMC, featuring Angela Petrelli, with special guest appearances by other members of the Heroes ensemble
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest, emotional abuse, angst
Summary: After the events of Don’t Look Back, Nathan Petrelli has his brother committed to a mental institution. Peter suspects that Nathan’s reasons for locking him up have more to do with Nathan’s nervousness about his campaign and his guilt over his sexual relationship with Peter than with any noble concern for Peter’s well-being. In his attempts to get Nathan to relent, Peter unwittingly makes things worse, and then much worse.

Art: Trailer of Awesome
Artist: blithesea

Chapter Index:
Part I (A)
Part I (B)
Part II
Part III

Author's Notes
(May contain some spoilers for the story)

You may have noticed that this is a little different from my usual stuff. I'm more about the complex ensemble-based plots, action-adventure, high-tension stuff. And this is not that. So it was a challenge, but also a chance to do some more introverted character work than I usually do. In fact, my original Big Boom story for this year was something completely different (and I'll be posting parts of what I wrote for that in a little while; stay tuned), but when I realized that wouldn't work, I found a few pages in my writing journal that I'd penned last fall: the scene where Peter wakes up in the "hospital," and Peter's first conversation with Dr. Barrister. Those little scenes included an outline for a story that shares some elements with this (that one had more Mohinder, and was a bit more AU), and so I had a jumping-off point for this story.

Let me say a word about the ending. It didn't always end like this. It's had several different endings. It used to end at the end of the ballroom scene, with Angela leaving. That didn't so much work, because it wasn't clear whether Angela whose side Angela was really on. THEN it ended with more scenes at Company headquarters where we're made to understand that they took Peter to New York, introduced him to Ted Sprague. Peter caused the explosion, and the had the Haitian wipe his memory. Then Peter wakes up with Elle in a scene exactly like the first scene of the fic, and the last thing he remembers is the night with Nathan when we flew on the roof. Nice symmetry, but SO depressing. And I had the feeling ya'll would have stoned me to death. I had hurt Peter so much in this fic that I needed something else just to give my own damn self closure. So Nathan gets to be a hero. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

It's given me heaps of trouble, but it's still my baby. I hope you enjoy it! And tell me what you liked and didn't like. I accept concrit with open arms.

Thanks are of course in order: to redandglenda, my tireless beta, to blithesea, my vidder, for a fantastic trailer video (no, it's really fantastic, and you should go see it and give her some love), and my favorite sister, jaune_chat, who provided a ridiculous amount of encouragement and inspiration, and listened to me bitch ad nauseam. Also thanks go to everyone who participated in heroesbigboom, since it's much more fun when we have lots of fab folks participating.

big boom, fandom: heroes, verse: living sea, fic

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