Thoughts on The 100 2x08

Dec 29, 2014 15:12

I know, a TV show episode reaction in my livejournal? Who am I? But I typed some stuff as I was rewatching 2x08 on (trying to help boost viewing numbers) and I think this is really the best place to put it vs facebook or tumblr. I honestly don't know if anyone still reading this even watches The 100 or is caught up through the S2 MSF so, ( Read more... )

the 100, uh-oh obsession

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Comments 13

padawansguide January 3 2015, 01:53:26 UTC
I actually like how morally ambiguous this show is ( ... )


brightcupenny January 3 2015, 02:08:33 UTC
I'm totally with you, I love that everything and everyone is shades of gray on the show. My issue was and is basically with the writing of Finn's character-- they just didn't do as good a job with it. And my perception is skewed because I made the mistake of following the showrunner on twitter for a bit and either he was trolling hardcore or he just refused to understand why people were having such an issue with the Finn storyline. (And writing off those who disagreed with him as shippers who were just mad because Finn was in the way of their OTP, which oh man, there's a quick way to get me mad.) Looking back over the whole series, I'm no longer as bothered by Finn's character as I was, because I see now where they were trying to go with him. I just don't think they did it as well as they could have. In the end, he turned out to be a plot device for Clarke's character development. Which I'm okay with ( ... )


padawansguide January 3 2015, 02:16:43 UTC
I agree he could have been better written. And frankly, he could have been better acted. A fantastic actor might have sold this "romantic hero is is rash and as a result does something REALLY bad" better so that we felt for him. The right actor could have had people rooting for him even if he was doing bad stuff. I wasn't there with this actor ( ... )


padawansguide January 3 2015, 02:21:39 UTC
Also liked this comment from Onion AV Club ( ... )


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