Costuming Year in Review, 2012

Feb 03, 2013 22:57

Year in Reviews continue! I will finish them before 2014, I swears! This time: Costume Edition!

Here's what I said I'd make in 2012:

1. Rebel Pilots for Rogue & me Only Rogue's got made this year.
2. At least one and hopefully more historical dresses & underpinnings! I have fabric for 18c, Regency, and mid-1800s. Nope. Every year I say I will ( Read more... )

year in review, costuming: darth heidi, costuming: avatar, costuming: geeky clothing, costuming, costuming: tiny princess captain america

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Comments 18

tavariel February 4 2013, 07:40:12 UTC
I can't believe you made so many costumes this year! You are amazing!

Shantytoooooown. I have the black and white striped fabric for my Carriage dress; I need to post some pictures of it.


brightcupenny February 15 2013, 08:27:35 UTC
Thanks! I always think eh, I didn't make very much this year, but when I go back and total it all, I did a fair amount!

I am sooooooooooo excited for this GWTW group. You don't even know.


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brightcupenny February 15 2013, 08:27:44 UTC
:D Thank you bb!


dm_lunsford February 4 2013, 14:36:31 UTC
I love all your female versions of costuming for different male characters. So fun. And that Indy-Anna Jones - the skirt plus boots is fab! (boot love, of course *g*)

Good luck with the Scarlett dress. I MUST see this one in person. Just sayin'. ;)


brightcupenny February 15 2013, 08:28:50 UTC
Thanks! I too love those boots-- Steve Maddens are the best! These are a bit tight in the ankle area, need to see about getting them stretched...

We should be pretty easy to find in these costumes at D*C! No matter how many or few girls we have, we will take up a lot of space. *g*


laughingmagpie February 4 2013, 17:12:18 UTC
Wow! That's an impressive list for the year - in numbers, yes, but also quality and awesomeness!


brightcupenny February 15 2013, 08:28:58 UTC
Thank you very much!


lita64 February 4 2013, 17:43:27 UTC
I love all of your costumes! I think my favorite has to be Indy Anna Jones, though. It's so adorable! :D


brightcupenny February 15 2013, 08:29:36 UTC
Thank you! I love how Indy Anna turned out! (When my brother and I were at D*C and both dressed as the same character, I joked that we were the Jones twins, Indy and Anna. *g*)


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