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notrlyjesus May 15 2008, 03:38:04 UTC
Hope you're feeling better now?

And don't worry about me. I've been through much worse, and still had to trek around. Plus, I've got a friend here with me now. I'm sure he'll help me out, even if he is cursed.


bright_shield May 15 2008, 03:51:52 UTC
. . . . I'm feeling less freaking crazy, that's good, right?

I'm glad to hear of it! Well, maybe not so much to hear you've been through worse... If you can manage to help each other at midnight, that seems to be one of the ways of getting out. Maybe.


Voice Reply notrlyjesus May 15 2008, 04:28:24 UTC
Yes, very good. Back to yourself. I had no idea you could do stuff like that, though.

Heh. I'll manage just fine. Err...don't know if I can help him much. He's pretty cursed. But I'll try.

[ooc: Pretending Setsuna skipped over that and didn't read it well because he's not supposed to find that out yet. XD]


bright_shield May 15 2008, 04:37:23 UTC
Yeah, fortunately I don't usually go on rampages trying to blow random people up, so there's not much call for my powers here outside of the healing ones.

. . . . I hope he's not as cursed as me?

[[ooc : Oops... la la laaa. Only a theory, noothing to see here, moving along... XD;;]]


notrlyjesus May 15 2008, 04:52:27 UTC
Thankfully. You'd be able to do some real damage if you did. Wouldn't mind having you at my side if things went badly, though.

Not at all. He's just...prickly.

[ooc: Yeah. He's skimming. Missed it, totally. But if you see HIS sister out and about, feel free to tell her.]


bright_shield May 15 2008, 04:59:35 UTC
I'd stand proudly at your side then, but I rather hope there's never a call for that!

. . . . well, that's good! I think I was trying to win the 'acting the most idiotic during the curse' award back there.

[[ooc : All right, I've been meaning to try and have Riou tag Sara some time. XD]]


notrlyjesus May 15 2008, 05:05:26 UTC
And I'd stand by you too. Considering this place, it may very well happen. If it does, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Haha! I'm sure there's worse. I think of heard of something nearly worse, at least. Though...that bit with your sister was harsh. I'm glad things went the way they did instead of worse.

[ooc: He ttly should. She needs more friends in the City. D: Her brother likes her knowing lots of wonderful people.]


bright_shield May 15 2008, 05:15:59 UTC
I'm still hoping not... but we should definitely be prepared. Of course, friends should stick together in such times, it makes things go much better.

I suppose there were a few of us in the running for that. Thankfully most of us seem out of that place now. God help is we were all still in there running amok. . . . . yeah, I wish she hadn't come after me, though.

[[ooc : I've been meaning to since they had that long discussion on Riou's LJ about the city, but work has been sucking my brain :/]]


notrlyjesus May 15 2008, 13:18:16 UTC
I hope not too, but best to be prepared here.

Heh. Yeah...probably is better this way. I have a knack for getting into trouble, so the less chances of that, the better. Hey...I think her coming after you helped you a lot.


bright_shield May 15 2008, 19:35:45 UTC
Yeah, who knows when the next alien invasion will come...

And trouble in that place is a whole lot crazier than even trouble in the regular city. I suppose it may be selfish of me to prefer to be back there acting crazy and perhaps being a danger to others, but she's the last person I would have wanted to confront while in that condition.


Voice Reply notrlyjesus May 16 2008, 01:51:54 UTC
Yeah, or the next time half the citizens decide to burn each other alive.

I...I know what you mean. Just be glad the outcome wasn't worse.


bright_shield May 16 2008, 03:15:32 UTC
I think I can live a very happy life without that particular curse ever coming around again.

A few more seconds and it would have been... Yeah, there's always that to be grateful for. I still prefer if she stayed the hell away from me during... this isn't the first time I've gone evil like that either.

But either way, good luck bringing your friend back!


notrlyjesus May 16 2008, 03:18:15 UTC

Again, I don't blame you. Not at all. Must've been scary for you once you realized what you were doing.

And thanks! I'm probably going to need it.


bright_shield May 16 2008, 03:35:11 UTC
Yeah... not the best way to wake up, I can tell you.

It should at least be somewhat easier now with less crazy people running around on that side and us narrowing down things a bit with what might bring people back. But I have faith in you and I;m sure your friend does too.


notrlyjesus May 16 2008, 03:39:55 UTC
I don't doubt it. It's kinda my worst nightmare.

Yeah...I've got a really crazy one over here, though. And my friend...probably has no faith at all in anything right now, but I've got enough for all of us.


bright_shield May 16 2008, 03:46:21 UTC
Yeah... it's pretty much the thing I fear the worst while I'm stuck here.

Oh, who's still left over there? He probably does deep down inside... which needs to be smacked out again. But as long as you still do, I'm sure you'll all find your way out. Sara has switched over too?


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