school days & other stuff

Sep 08, 2007 11:59

well it's the weekend, i am finished with my first four days of school... so how was it? well... ehh... a lot of homework... so my classes are:

3-creative writing

well i felt pretty depressed the first couple days, but i think i am slowly going to get into the hang of it which i always do. kinda mad i don't ( Read more... )

crazy life

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Comments 4

boycrazy313 September 9 2007, 03:36:36 UTC
you only have 5 classes? we have six and they sound alot harder than yours! not fair

1)study american lit
2)symphony orchestra
3)spanish 3
4) honors american history
6)honors biology
7)honors adv algebra

raw wth is seminar?and humanities??


bridgetmalfoy September 9 2007, 21:04:34 UTC
my god, you have a lot of advanced classes!!!!!

well each hour is 80 minutes long, 'cept seminar which is like a free period where we work on homework or travel to other classes to get help. well humanities is basically a study of art, so we learn how to critique and decipher meaning. it's a pretty advanced class.

and next semester we get all new classes so i'm going to get algebra 2, social studies, architecture 2... etc


boycrazy313 September 12 2007, 22:54:22 UTC
dang ur school sounds sooo awesome!!! does everyone have seminar 1st hour?


bridgetmalfoy September 12 2007, 23:42:46 UTC
not usually, we always have it second hour. ;]


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