B-Squad Common Room [Friday Evening]

Mar 27, 2009 21:42

"Personally?" Syd says, examining her nails thoughtfully. "I'm looking forward to getting some work done on my tan."

Ghost is practically bouncing as he comes in to the Common Room.

"Why are *you* so chipper?" Sky asks, eyeing him skeptically.

"Well, Sky," Ghost says, flopping down on a couch. "With Shadow Ranger here, I can just sit back, relax, and go with the flow."

"We still have to be ready for battle," Sky retorts sternly. Bridge just rolls his eyes.

"Sky," Ghost says, shaking his head. "You saw how strong Shadow Ranger was in the sim."

"Yeah," Z adds. "What's to worry about?"

"Guess you're right," Sky admits, putting down his book. "With Shadow Ranger here, we're golden." As if to emphasize how *relaxed* he is, he unzips his jacket a whole two inches.

Bridge shakes his head. Someone clearly needs to learn how to do a proper Shirtless Friday.

[ooc: for the teammate(s), but open for husband-shaped-people or phone calls.]
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