
Nov 04, 2010 20:33

Hi! Dude, I'm not here. Uh, obviously, because if I was here, you'd be talking to me and not this silly recording... um. Right. Anyway, if you need me, leave a message here- I'm sure I'll remember to check this thing regularily. Or at least, I'll try t- *muffled crashing noises* RIC! Get down from th *BEEP*


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Monday, May 6th - after the Graveyard and before, well. needsaparrot May 6 2008, 06:15:15 UTC
"Hey, it's me. I'm gonna go help Mel do something stupid. I'd give you more details but I don't actually have any, I just know it's stupid and I'm not gonna be able to stop her so there's pretty much only the one other option. Love you. You can yell at me when we get back."


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