[3rd entry // action all around]

Sep 15, 2011 06:52

[Action to 847 - The Wilburs]

[ Hello, wonderful family! Today at you will be receiving a knockity-knock-knock-knock on your front door. If you take a look outside the window first, there's a young girl standing out with a basket in front of her which she seems to pay attention to now and then, as if fiddling with something inside it with one hand. ( Read more... )

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Comments 36

Action ; Park timehostage September 15 2011, 09:22:49 UTC
[ Hello there Millie, Mayuri will be joining you in spending time at the park. She loves looking at the sky, but nonetheless she'll greet you. ]

Uwaah~ That looks like fun!


bridesearching September 15 2011, 10:11:31 UTC
[ As the entwined swing twirls to untwist, Millie sticks a foot down onto the ground to stop it from dizzying around like she had been planning to. A little dizzy when she stops, she looks to the source of the voice and smiles when she sees it was directed to her. ]

It iiiis! You should try it!


timehostage September 16 2011, 08:59:08 UTC
Really? [ her smile grows into a delighted grin ] Mayushii would love too~ eheh!

[ Mayuri gets on the swing next to the other and starts to gain some air. She stares at the skies as she does this. Once she thinks she has gotten enough air, she sticks one of her hands up to the sky as if reaching for it. ]

Woow~ This is as close to the sky as Mayushi has gotten~ It's so great!~


bridesearching September 17 2011, 05:18:20 UTC
[ Millie watches her, keeping still as the girl has quite a... more fun time than she was on the swing. But that fun is soon contagious, and Millie's giving herself a push with her feet to join in. ]

Yeah!! Let's go really high!


Action; park blue_frog_kuro September 15 2011, 13:34:51 UTC
[ Hello. You will now be able fo find Fukuro under a table, legs pulled up to his chest as he's trying to make himself as small as possible. ]


action bridesearching September 15 2011, 13:39:09 UTC
[ You mean that glimpse of a someone she sees when she's swinging up and down it properly? She was wondering about that. Maybe she'll just stop and twist her body to the side to try and catch a better look at it from the swing. Is it a ball??? ]


Re: action blue_frog_kuro September 15 2011, 14:45:42 UTC
[ The 'ball' twitch when he feels that someone is watching him. It's not a snake, is it? He sniffles. ]


bridesearching September 16 2011, 03:06:52 UTC
[ Since when did balls twitch? ... when the wind twitches them! But it gets Millie that much more interested enough to abandon her swing to go and investigate. Slow steps, all creepy-like up to the table... ]


Action - 847 Goldberg Street (Gonna let Virginia or Caesar answer the door!) walking_nuke September 15 2011, 15:29:02 UTC
[Balin's busy writing some new findings into his journal when he hears the knock. Rather than answer right away, he gets up and looks out the living room window to see who it is. Call him paranoid, but getting jumped by Ex-keine a few nights ago was no fun party.]

[He turns and calls out to Virginia and Caesar.]

Yo, any of you know this girl at'a door?

[He looks outside again. She looks like she might be Caesar's age. Which is going to lead him to assume that Milie is Viki, and therefore-]

This that girlfriend you brought over'a other day, Caesar?

[... No, he didn't quite hear Caesar's objections that day.]


And seeing as Caesar is Caesar, here comes Ginny. rapier_ex September 15 2011, 17:08:15 UTC
-Laughing all the way to the door.- Nope. This is the other girlfriend. -He's never going to live this down.-

Howdy, Miss Milie! What brings you by today?


(nottalking) commentboxtroll September 16 2011, 03:26:38 UTC
[Oh, he hears them. Someone downstairs mentioned 'girlfriend', then another said 'Millie'. All of this equals just how much Caesar is going to refuse to leave the refuge of his room.

It isn't happening.

They can't make him.]


sweetheart!! bridesearching September 16 2011, 03:37:38 UTC
I got Caesar a present! [ Millie is unaffected by people throwing around the girlfriend word. All too busy being happy happy, she lifts up the basket in her hands which has a blanket over it, save for a gap in the side. It seems to be bumping around a bit. ]

Me and Caesar were talking one day and he was being really funny, but I think it's because he really wanted something. So Millie did all she can and got him it. [ Millie tries to take a peek behind Virginia by tilting to the side on her feet. ] Is Caesar in??


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park; bridesearching September 16 2011, 03:13:28 UTC
I am? Is that good?


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park; bridesearching September 17 2011, 05:11:27 UTC
Huuh? But swinging with half of what I got is fun too!


delicious park action; littledarklump September 16 2011, 03:43:20 UTC
[ Rumia tries to get out a little more every late afternoon just to help her eyes adjust. It was so not fair that she couldn't be in the shade all the time. Sunglasses just didn't do enough. But right now, Rumia is watching Millie twist around on the swing! ]

That's so cool... Are you trying to make a tornado?


delicious park action; bridesearching September 16 2011, 04:00:29 UTC
[ She hadn't been going so fast in her swinging the wrong way, so it doesn't take Millie much to stop herself with her feet. ]

I don't think I can go that fast, hee hee. But I can make myself dizzy~


delicious park action; littledarklump September 16 2011, 04:19:09 UTC
But you can do that without a swing, too. Like this. [ This is Rumia, arms out, and spinning. ]


delicious park action; bridesearching September 16 2011, 04:42:48 UTC
[ That's good Rumia and Millie's happy for you and all but she's gotta interrupt you-- ] But you can have even more fun on a swing!

See? Watch me.

[ And here, she'll demonstrate it. Holding onto both sides of the swing, Millie begins to turn in a circle. The metal twists against each other at the top, twisting more and more and lower and lower as Millie turns it. It seems to get harder to do.

When it's twisted enough, Millie turns her head some towards Rumia's direction. ] Okay, ready???


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