Title: Crush
Prompt: Day 6 - 'Something There'
Genre: friendship/romance
Pairing(s): USUK
Word Count: 1087
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: Alfred has a bit of a crush. Too bad he feels like a complete creeper.
Notes: I'm attempting to write a one-shot for each day that eventually connects up into an entire story. Because it was too difficult to make it in
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Comments 2
You know, I've read this on my phone, so I compile your updates and try to organize them /but failing, lololol!
You know I get the feels from this because of the setup of how kind babbu Alfred is and how insecure Arthur is! XDDD
Thank youuuu <3 I'm very happy that you're getting feels from these =u= It means that my writing has gotten a bit more emotive, right? XD
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