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Comments 11

dustmeat August 25 2010, 18:31:50 UTC
Why can't they build something neutral like an aquarium? Everyone would enjoy that.


shockwave77598 August 25 2010, 19:44:40 UTC
I have a better solution: Simply build a butcher shop right next to the cultural center. Private property works both ways -- they can have their center, someone else can have a butcher shop. And if the cultural center doesn't like all the pig carcasses being carried in front of its building as they are delivered to the butcher... pardon me for being crude in your journal (it warrants it), but tough f***ing shit!

They don't want pig blood on their sidewalk? Build somewhere else. Otherwise, be ready for other Americans to legally show you that cultural sensitivity is a double edged sword -- you get it when you give it.


badboybunny August 26 2010, 11:27:58 UTC
In like you're idea! Or a local can whack a pigs head on the steps each morning :P


graemelion August 25 2010, 19:44:47 UTC
The only winning move for the Muslims that supports the constitution is to let them build their mosque where the property they paid for is.

I do not think the US Government should be taking purchased land from people because other people do not agree with their religion.

Ultimately, all this has proven is that the terrorists did win on 9/11. "Victory mosque" or not... we have given up our constitution in place of fear.


haikujaguar August 25 2010, 20:57:51 UTC
Honestly, I can't believe anyone doesn't see this as a monumental failure of taste and basic human compassion. Anyone who doesn't understand that is being willfully obtuse.


mkiero August 26 2010, 23:24:38 UTC
Ultimately though the terrorists claimed it was done in the name of their religion it was really done because they have a problem with America and in their twisted minds believed that their religion condones such behavior. Christians have done a lot of things in the name of their religion too.

No one was up in arms about a Christian church going up across the street from where Timothy McVeigh blew up the building in Oklahoma City even though McVeigh was a devout Christian.

The whole thing really bothers me because there were no one who objected to the cultural center with an ad hoc mosque in it when they presented the plan almost a year ago and got the rights to by the building and build there. It was a complete flip-flop by a lot of people. It wasn't like they were sneaking this in. It just took almost a year to get enough people to buy into the Victory mosque idea.


mauser August 27 2010, 01:19:44 UTC
"Science is my god." -- Timothy McVeigh. He was not a devout Christian. Also, his motivation was anti-government, not religiously based. This blows out your first two paragraphs.

Here's a critical difference between Christians and Muslims, which flies in the face of your moral equivalence game. When a Christian kills an abortion doctor, most Christians are appalled. When Muslims fly jetliners into buildings and kill ~3000 people, whole populations dance in the streets and celebrate worldwide.

The Mosque thing might have blown over if Obama hadn't decided to enter the fray. Of course, there are some questions that are being blown over, like the separation of Church and state issues when the US State Department is sending the Imam all over the Muslim world, where he's raising funds.


haikujaguar August 27 2010, 13:37:52 UTC
That saved me the trouble of answering. :) Thank you, mauser.


xianjaguar August 25 2010, 21:06:44 UTC
Well said.


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