MOAR Procrastination. BIGGAR Procrastination.

May 04, 2009 15:12

He he . . . I have 25 pages worth of work due Thursday. I have zero pages written. So, I'm going to procrastinate a little more, because that makes sense.

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request a drabble/ficlet of any pairing/character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal.Since I've ( Read more... )

fan fiction, meme, random

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brennanspeaks May 6 2009, 14:44:17 UTC
In-ter-est-ing . . .
(wanders off to ponder)


Forget brennanspeaks May 8 2009, 19:40:46 UTC
Felix wearily tugged off his coat and collapsed onto his small cot, exhausted from another day of wrangling with Baltar while trying to escape the attention of his Cylon masters. He closed his eyes. He hated days like this-hated most days now, actually, but today had been especially bad. Cavil wanted to expand the detention program again, Doral insisted on further shortening rations, and Baltar had been all but catatonic for the better part of the afternoon. He was debating whether to rise and change or just pass out and worry about it in the morning when a soft sound banished all thought of sleep. He froze, eyes still closed, every sense hyper-alert. There it was again-a nearly inaudible rasp of breath ( ... )


Forget Part II brennanspeaks May 8 2009, 19:41:59 UTC
“What the . . . Gaius?” But it couldn’t be Gaius because Gaius was clean-shaven and drunk in the arms of a Cylon, and this man had threads of gray running through his hair, and yet . . . the same brown eyes stared beseechingly from under sunken brows. The same moist lips trembled slightly. The same elegant hands were raised in a beseeching gesture ( ... )


Forget Part III brennanspeaks May 8 2009, 19:42:32 UTC
Felix swallowed, reaching for his voice. Of the thousands of questions available, he was a little ashamed that all he could come up with was “Who?”

The Cylon stared blankly at the canvass wall. “The Cavils. They’re toying with him.”

“Why would they do that?”

“Oh, I’ve given up trying to guess their motives; mere cruelty seems to be enough. They destroyed us-my entire line. Why they kept Gaius around I may never know, but they . . .”

“Your . . . line . . . Cylons kill other Cylons?”

The other man stood and wandered over to Felix’s desk. “One of the dirty little secrets of our race, I’m afraid. Carefully protected by the Ones.” Lifting a pen, he began doodling idly on a scrap of paper.
“And Baltar is one of them without even knowing it?”


A long silence stretched between them, broken only by the scratch of the pen. Felix searched desperately for his voice. “And you? What . . . ?”

What are you? The Cylon seemed to understand the unspoken question. He smiled sadly and pushed back his hair, revealing a long scar ( ... )


Re: Forget Part III safenthecity March 19 2010, 20:47:05 UTC
I didn't comment on this, either??? The eff is wrong with me?

Basically, I love it. To death. Cavil playing with Gaius just because he can. That's so viciously accurate to what they gave us in 4.5 (and I am possibly the last BSG fan alive who has not seen The Plan)

But the moment Daniel said, "Because you love him," hit me just right there. You took what was already my favorite trainwreck couple and somehow made it hurt even more. True talent, that.


Re: Forget Part III brennanspeaks March 21 2010, 00:58:56 UTC

Thanks for the great review! I kind of did a double take when I saw the prompt, but then the bunny attacked and just demanded to be written. Come to think of it, this one is probably long enough to post as an independent fic . . .

For the record, I'm in the same non-Plan-watching camp. Keep meaning to look it up online, but with RL insanity it just hasn't happened.


Re: Forget Part III lorrainemarker March 20 2010, 00:28:26 UTC
This is so true to Cavil's games in both Season 4.5 & The Plan that it's a bit scary. Also, having Baltar be Daniel makes more sense than the quasi was Daniel Starbuck's father or not that RDM left us with. Such a lovely little story.


Re: Forget Part III brennanspeaks March 21 2010, 01:01:03 UTC
Thanks for the awesome review! I haven't seen The Plan, but it's good to hear the characterizations still lined up.


brennanspeaks May 8 2009, 19:43:22 UTC
Well, that ficlet turned into more of an epic. The bunny took me by surprise. Hope you enjoyed!


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