Memories and hopes

Jan 18, 2007 00:14

I just got an inspiration for Bree/Lynette fanfic.
I'm warning you with your comments - I really like this story! No, just kidding, feel free to comment it as you like:-)

Title: Memories
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairings: Bree/Lynette
Chapter: one (and maybe only)
Rating: PG13
Summary: Lynette and Bree are telling a story to their friends...

The girls were having a poker party at Scavo's. Inspite of the fact that the cards were laying untouched on the table for more than an hour. It was dark outside and the candles all over the place were making the room really cozy.
They were telling stories from their lifes. It doesn't happen that often that none of them has something important to do and they can get together. Now it did. And they were enojying every second of it. Each of them with a glass of wine in her hands, living through every word of each other and smelling the peaceful ambience of the moment.

Their chatting began with Gabby's stories from modeling backstage. Gabby also mentioned that Russian model girl who she was kissing with. Well, she didn't want to talk about her intentionally. It just slipped out of her mouth and all the girls began to be really interested. And so she went on and admitted that she once almost slept with her.

Susan was laughing while she confessed to actually have sex with a woman twice. Once as a high school graduate and she described it as horrible. But she gave it another chance at college. She seemed to really like the girl she was talking about. It could have evolved into a longer affair until when in the moment of climax Susan called her by her boyfriend's name.

"Now, how about you, guys," asked Gabby "did you ever tried it with a woman?"
Bree and Lynette looked at each other. "Well, yes, I did." said Lynette.
"So tell us!" exclaimed Susan.
"This is a little awkward, 'cause you know her, so... I just don't know if it's fair to tell... I don't know if she approved that."
"Oh..." the girls seemed disapponted. And a moment of silence followed as both of them were wondering, who the woman could be that Lynette slept with. It was too exciting not to ask again.
"Lyn, please, she wouldn't know you told us, if we didn't tell her. We are just so curious now..." Gabby was like little kid.
When Bree took a deep breath and interrupted: "Now, that would have been a little difficult, guys. Thanks, Lynette, I have always known I can count on you when it comes to discreetness. So, girls, the woman you are dying to know is me." and she smiled relieved.

Gabby's and Susan's jaws fell on the floor. They were speechless. They knew Bree and Lynette were best friends, but they just never really understood why. They just didn't match together. It was like a mystery, but still not their business, so they just respected that. Now there was something that could put a little light on all that. And the idea of the two of them having sex was just beyond their imagination. They had to know more. Lynette and Bree saw the eagerness in their eyes.
"Do you want to hear the story?" asked Bree.
"Oh, yes, please!" they said together as one.
"Lynette, should we tell them?"
"Well, honey, we can take a little walk down the memory lane, what do you think?"
"OK, it can be fun, right? So, start, please."
Susan and Gabby were both fidgeting on their seats, so keen to hear it all and now...

Lynette started: "When I was in the last year of college, I went with my friends this beautiful place where students of some selected colleges used to go to spend the last summer holidays. I call it the best time of my life. Sure, there was marriage, kids born, work achievements and other moments... But still..."

Bree interrupted her here: "She had those wonderful hair, blond and wavy and wind was playing with them constantly. She was one big smile, laughing all the time, making jokes. No one before her have ever dared to make fun of me. She not only dared, she enjoyed it." And gave an evil look to her friend.

Lynette grinned: "I have never seen somebody so uptight! First I just wanted to have fun and teased her a lot. After a while I softened my style and was doing everything possible to see her smiling. I loved the sincere and shy smile on her face. She didn't seem to smile at all, but she did with me."

"Lynette was so amusing! She made all those faces just to make people laugh. She was at a business school, but could have made it easily at any acting school. Oh yes, she was cool..."

"Cool?! I turned into a total clown... for her. But she impressed me as well. She had this very good taste which you could see in her paintings and drawings. I guess she never showed them to anyone. But I was amazed by them. Stunned. It's such a pity she kept it a secret and in the end gave it in. Maybe we could try to persuade her now to begin again..."

The two other friends already had like thousands questions, but none of them dared to speak. They were absorped in the narration.

Bree continued: "We became friends. Nobody actually believed that somebody as free as Lynette could ever enjoy a company of somebody as prim as me.  But we got along very well. We understood each other perfectly."

"It was like we saw and noticed things about each other that nobody else did."

"Before Bree, nobody thought that I might have low moments too. And I believed that Bree knows how to laugh and relax."

"I was in love with Rex. Madly. And she was dating that very hot and cool guy. I was wondering how it had to be to date these guys. They seemed like to fall for her immediately."

"They seemed as a true love. Rex and her. They were meant for each other. At that time I had never fallen in love before."

"She was everything I was not. I didn't want to be like her, but I admired her."

"We were as different as possible and yet like magnets. Constantly attracted to each other."

"One day I had a fight with Rex. Nothing serious, but I felt hurt. She came to me when I was sitting on an old trunk on the shore, sat next to me and just hugged me."

"It was that evening when I was jogging on the beach. There was still some light, but the sunset was near. I saw her sitting there alone, I just came to her to say hello, but when I sat next to her I heard her crying. The only right thing was to hold her close. And so I did."

"And then you started... you know what?" Gabby exclaimed excitingly, but Susan shushed her hurriedly.

"No, but I think that moment was so special. She kissed me on the forehead afterwords and wiped my tears..." replied Bree.

"She looked so vulnerable. I only wanted to hold her like that. I guess it was that moment. The moment when we began to really trust each other."
Lynette raised her eyebrows: "I think that the juicy stuff begins after that. I loved the feeling of her skin. So soft. I caressed her eveyrtime I had the occassion. She didn't seem to dislike it."

Bree was laughing: "I shivered everytime she touched me. She seemed to invent the term 'accidently'."

Lynette fired back: "But she always began our conversation by touching my knee or arm. And everytime she was stressing something important in her speech, she left her hand on me a little bit longer."

"After few weeks there was such a tension between us. I mean, not in a bad way. But it was like something big, unspoken hanging in the air."

"It was so obvious, yet we both strangely enjoyed the suspence. And neither of us wanted to do the first step."

Bree stopped for a while, dreamed away and then continued: "Once, it was raining outside, but some our college friends prepared an outdoor challenge for the rest of us. And I don't want to suggest here anything, but when the couples for the game were being chosen, accidently we ended up together."

Lynette gave her a surprised look: "Yeah, when the couples were tossed, they put us together. I still think it possible that Bree went to the organizators and just told them to do so. It would be totally her style."

They were looking at each other, puzzled a bit. Gabby desperately wanted to hear what happened next, so she raised her voice: "Girls, let's all agree it was an accident, right?!"

It reminded Bree of the reality: "Anyway, in the middle of the contest it was no longer raining. Instead of that a huge thunder storm came and we both headed quickly to the ground keeper's shed. It was empty, dark, but warm and cozy."

"She was all wet, so was I. We said to ourselves to wait there just until the storm disappears."

"I was raised up very conservatively. I was so nervous when I saw her clothes soaked. I could see every curve of her body like that. And she was staring at me so intently..."

"Intently?!" Lynette shouted out. "I couldn't get my eyes off her. Finally we sat down and were looking out of the window and listening to the sound of the storm. She put my hair off my forehead and stroked my temple with that. I held my breath and looked at her. She had suddenly so dark eyes."

"Oh, I didn't know what I had been doing. I just wanted to touch her. Everywhere. When she turned her head at me I knew I was lost."

Lynette was amused: "So, you were lost, darling? And what was I when you leaned near and kissed me?"

"So, you kissed her first, Bree? I would have bet all my money that it was Lynette!" Susan was astonished. So was Gabby. Bree was always the shy, calm one. If anyone should kiss first, in their minds it would be daring Lynette.

"Oh, well, I couldn't help it. I said I was lost." blushed Bree.

"Honey, you're blushing!" Gabby didn't remember when was the last time she had so much fun as now. "It's okay to kiss first. I am always the one who kiss first. In any case." she smiled.

"But Gabby I am not blushing because of kissing first. I just remembered what Lynette was doing afterwards."

"Even after those years, hon, and you are still blushing. You were bright red then even in the dark." laughed Lynette. But then she looked at Bree tenderly. "She was beautiful. I loved it with guys. But with Bree it was so different, so exotic, sort of. Like soft and gentle. Even though when she reached her climax, she digged her nails into my back." and she nudged Bree with a teasing smile.

Susan expected Bree to get angry with Lynette after mentioning such private details. But Bree only smiled and continued with the story.

"Well, I said here many times I was lost. Literally. I was out of my mind, Lynette seemed to know just the spots to touch to turn me on. And she was acting like wild when I started to moan. I wasn't acting like me anymore, I was driven by desire to please her as well."

"Oh yes, that moaning really turned me on." smiled Lynette "But, please guys, don't imagine anything like the lesbian porn style. We were new to the thing and used just hands. We didn't even undress, right?"

"Yeah, we were just wandering with our hands underneath all the wet clothes. Although it is amazing we didn't rip them off" chuckled Bree with laughter.

"And that's basicly it. The storm ended, we agreed not to tell anyone, came back to the main house and lived happilly ever after." Lynette ended the story.

"So, you are telling us that you had obviously amazing sex and didn't continue with seeing each other?" Gabby couldn't understand and couldn't get the thought of Bree's fingernails digging into the skin out of her mind.

"Of course we were seeing each other." replied Bree, "but just as friends. Very close friends."

"I admit, I was sad for a while because of that. But Bree had a really good thing going on with Rex and I met Tom after some time. And I believe he is my true love and I could never cheat on him just like that. Then kids came..." There was a tiny pause in her sentence. "But, you know what, Bree is maybe the only person that has ever got me and knows me from inside out. Moreover, just to see her makes my day."

"Same here," Bree agreed, "nobody apart from Lynette... you know... really gets me."

The two friends smiled at each other. Partly sadly, but mostly gladly. They knew they both cherished that time in their thoughts. And even though they didn't continue after that stormy day. They still have the embrace of each other, soft caring eyes and sweet, tender lips to comfort each other.

Sometimes they rest peacefully next to each other, just being close. They prohibited the desire to themselves in their case, for the best of all. But they cannot prohibit the hope. And until something changes, they are content to have what they have.

Susan exhaled loudly. "Well, girls, that is an amazing background story... I don't know what to say. I didn't know you know each other for such a long time..."
"yeah..." added Gabby, "but hey, that answer a lot of questions."
'And yet poses so many more of them', thought both Gabby and Susan. But they knew, it was not their business.

The CD player switched cds and Beth Gibbons started to sing.

God knows how I adore life
When the wind turns on the shores lies another day
I cannot ask for more

When the time bell blows my heart
And I have scored a better day
Well nobody made this war of mine

And the moments that I enjoy
A place of love and mystery
I'll be there anytime

Oh mysteries of love
Where war is no more
I'll be there anytime

Bree was thinking "I love this song." When Lynette replied: "I know you do.", she began to wonder, if she said it out loud or not...
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