(no subject)

Jun 29, 2006 20:39

This is my first part, of my first... real try, so tell me what you think? The other part will go through some changes and then I'll get it up if you guys feel interested.

title: Never been... kissed? (PART 1)

pairing: bree/lynette

author: me, loveacrosslanes

rating: Well I don't really know about this part...

A/N: My first try at something longer. Please

tell me what you think about it..?

Oh, and the spelling sucks, but I hope you can oversee that.


As the night came, three of Wisteria Lane's housewives began their quest to one of the other houses. Tonight was poker night and this time they crossed the street to enter into Gabby's house. The ladies whas ready with whine and cookies as usual. Everyone had already promised themselves not to be hung-over the next day, but as Bree had already sipped a little out of her own bottle at home and Susan been at dinner with Mike, this might not be the case. As the girls entered the house Gabby kissed everyone on the cheek said hello and waved them into the kitchen. "Help yourselves with glasses, I'm trying to find that ace we lost last time we where here..."

As the girls poored their wine up and Bree started shuffeling the cards they as usual started their gossiping. As they started playing the found themselves to tired to acually really play. "Come on, I'm tired of Poker, can't we do anything else?" Edie threw her cards at the table. Susan made some similar gesture. "Yeah, we should do something else tonight!" "Not play poker on poker night?" Bree responded, this would just not do. "No, I think we should keep on playing." Lynette raised her eyebrows. "No, let's play something else.. What do you got Gabby?" Gabby looked like a girl who just had stolen some cookies out of mom's jar and let the girls sit down as she ran up the stairs. "OK, so I found this today and I was about to throw it away, but then again..." She showed the girl her homemade "Truth or dare board*". The other girls laughed and Lynette grabed the paper. "This is great! Oh my god, I still remember that I had the real one, and all of the others girl's had to have homemade. I was really popular when this was high fashion!" Gabby laughed. "Come on Bree, don't look like that! It's gonna be fun!"  Bree sat at her seat looking uncomfortable. Playing truth or dare was her least favourite game since she was a master at withholding the perfect outside. But the other girls voted her down and suddenly she found herself with a pink button tossing the dice.

“One, two three” OK, I got a truth out of Lynette, right?” Lynette thought a little. “We’ll start out slow, what is your least favourite thing Rex does to you in bed?” Bree gasped! “I will not tell you that Lyn! That’s private!” “Come on” Edie moaned. “I wanna know. And you have to! Those are the rules!” Bree sat down thinking about what to answer. And then she found it. Right there. “I’m not really found of… Him, wanting me to .. talk to his… You know…” Gabby almost choked on her whine and Edie laughed so hard she feel of the sofia. “YOU SAID WHAT?” Lynette sat smirking. “Oh well, It could have been more awful. What does he want you to call it?” “Oh, now one question at a time!” Bree hurried to say and leaving the dice to Lynettes hands. She made it four steps and was asked by Edie. “So, ever sleept with a girl?” “Yeah…” As Lynette said yes her friends gasped at the answer. “What?! I thought everyone had done it sometime? Well, accept for Bree, but?” Susan laughed. “Yeah well, I just… I haven’t. Gabby?” Gabby shook her head. Edie raised her hand. “I have” they all looked at Bree who was trying to grasp the fact that her very best friend would accually end up in hell. “OH NO! No, never! I would never, no!” Lynette raised her sholders. “Well OK, that’s that. Next” The girls kept on playing, asking (according to Bree) more and more dirty question. As Edie yet again would ask Bree a question she dreaded it. “So, what do you like more, when you go down on Rex, or when he goes down on you?” “I beg your pardon?” The other girls laughed. Bree felt her face turning red. Susan looked at Bree “I really wanna know this!” The others laughed. Bree felt so insecure. Mostly because she really couldn’t answer the question. “Well, I would say that I don’t know the answer because I can’t compare them.” Lynette’s jaw fell down. “You’ve never went down on him?” “What is that.. went down?” Bree asked. Gabby explained. “Have you ever… been between his legs with your mouth? And has he done the same for you?” Edie applauded. “Great, discret Gabby!” “Uhm. Well, I don’t know. I mean I know that I have but.. I don’t.. I’ve never..” Lynettes jaw started working again. “You’re telling me he’s never went down on you?” Bree let out a silent yes. “But I just don’t think I’d like it, I prefer the old fashioned way.” As that said the thought the discussion was over. But Lynette had other thoughts in mind. “You’ve never been licked?” As the word “licked” entered the room Bree’s face turned red, yet again. “Well, No. I have not, if you must know. End of story, now Edie. Dice.” As Edie threw the dice, entering Susans domain and having to run into the kitchen getting the bottles that where left Lynette looked at Bree as she tried to not feel uncomfortable. “Take it easy Bree, none of this is getting out anywhere.” Bree looked at her and smiled. “It’s OK. Thank you.”

(*The truth or dare board is something that my friends and I made when we where younger. You threw the dice and mooved the steps you got and sometimes you got on truth and sometimes on dare, this to make it a bit more fun cause none ever choose dare otherwise)

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