Kelly/Ryan has grown on me. I like them in fandom in a way I've never liked them in canon, even though that Netflix explanation/forehead kiss was downright ADORABLE. So I is gonna read it.
I'm too lazy to get the link don't have any links, but search for fics by She's A Star on She has some five things fics, but she basically writes for all the fandoms you've mentioned and her Ryan/Kelly is perfection.
Ahaha. She's one of my favorite authors there. Heh. I didn't feel like going through all the stories by all my favorite authors (one of them has written over 200. That's a LOT), and here you go, reccing one of them anyway. Thanks. :D
Comments 4
Now I really want to write one. Well, another one I guess. :P
...dammit. I AM talking in lolcat.
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