Title: Nigrum et Lux, part XII
Author: breathless_dawn
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Larxene
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I am no king, therefore I own no Kingdom.
A/N: Well, at first I wanted to try to humanise Larxene, but that plan went to pot in about four seconds. This is about the furthest thing from humanising, and so follows a warning: this contains a bit of gore, read at own risk.
There is something invigorating about being elbow deep in the blood of a wasted life, of blades slicing through warm flesh, and looks of terror still etched on pale faces. She cradles the heart in her hands, as if it’s the most fragile of things, the electricity flowing through her fingers making it convulse.
She cocks her head to the side. Funny how such an insignificant organ could evoke such useless emotion.
Larxene drops the heart into the waiting embrace of the rib cage and her footsteps echo through the room, fingers trailing blood down the walls as she goes.