Title: The Boy From Mars Chapter: 5 Summary: AU. Allison won the title of American Idol. Adam is the runner up. While on tour, Adam finds out that he has a son named Kris. Adam is still gay.
:) I don't know? Maybe too busy viewing Oli and Christian's love affair? hehe
Thank you. I feel like I'm leaving people hanging forever between chapters but I simply cannot find the time to sleep right now. I have the story running through my head all day but not the proper time to write it down.
(mine met in an airplane hangar!)
I read that one! I don't remember if I left a comment, but I really enjoyed it. : )
Kris is probably the smartest 4 year old ever. And much better behaved than my sons were at 4!
Real Kris is so mellow and well mannered so I had to have him be a good kid. Plus, Grandma told him to be good and he is just waiting for the day he gets shipped off somewhere else. That is why he won't let Adam out of his sight. He is afraid if Adam leaves, he is never coming back.
“Parties in bathrooms just call for disaster.” Delightful!
Never known one to end well. ehehe
I also don't want this to end! : ) Thank you. I think that is one of the best compliments a story can get. : ) I don't know how many chapters this one
( ... )
"I have been giving you 'the look' for the last half of an hour. At first I thought you were not interested and then I figured out that you must be blind. So, I decided to come closer so you can take a better look." The man smiled sweetly at him as he batted his brown eyes. "Now that I'm in your lap, do you like what you see?" Lol, I envy people with that kind of confidence.
I love the dynamic you're portraying for Adam and Brad's relationship. <3 This story is so great, I can't wait to read more. :)
Yay! I missed the intro in the last chapter - I've started looking forward to them. Loveloveloved your interpretation of the coming out story. Lovelovelove this entire fic. Allthough fics do seem to get better at half past three in the morning (especially on school nights) I do believe I would love this even if that wasn't the case. It's so real. Or something, I don't really know. But obviously it's cute as hell. And I love it, one of my favorites. Go you!
: ) Sorry, I had the intro in mind from the last chapter but didn't post it with the chapter. I suppose that I could move it back to its proper place now...
: ) Thank you for all of your kind words. I hope that you didn't suffer from the lack of sleep the next day. : )
I think the combination of cute little Kris and parental Adam is just too much to resist. Probably why I can't stop writing it.
Comments 21
I loved it.
It was amazing.
As always. :)
Great work.
Can't wait for more! :D
More soon!
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you. I feel like I'm leaving people hanging forever between chapters but I simply cannot find the time to sleep right now. I have the story running through my head all day but not the proper time to write it down.
(mine met in an airplane hangar!)
I read that one! I don't remember if I left a comment, but I really enjoyed it. : )
Kris is probably the smartest 4 year old ever. And much better behaved than my sons were at 4!
Real Kris is so mellow and well mannered so I had to have him be a good kid. Plus, Grandma told him to be good and he is just waiting for the day he gets shipped off somewhere else. That is why he won't let Adam out of his sight. He is afraid if Adam leaves, he is never coming back.
“Parties in bathrooms just call for disaster.” Delightful!
Never known one to end well. ehehe
I also don't want this to end! : ) Thank you. I think that is one of the best compliments a story can get. : ) I don't know how many chapters this one ( ... )
Lol, I envy people with that kind of confidence.
I love the dynamic you're portraying for Adam and Brad's relationship. <3 This story is so great, I can't wait to read more. :)
Me too. Must be amazing to walk around like that all day.
I love the dynamic you're portraying for Adam and Brad's relationship.
Thank you. : ) More to come soon (hopefully tomorrow).
Loveloveloved your interpretation of the coming out story.
Lovelovelove this entire fic. Allthough fics do seem to get better at half past three in the morning (especially on school nights) I do believe I would love this even if that wasn't the case. It's so real. Or something, I don't really know. But obviously it's cute as hell. And I love it, one of my favorites. Go you!
: ) Thank you for all of your kind words. I hope that you didn't suffer from the lack of sleep the next day. : )
I think the combination of cute little Kris and parental Adam is just too much to resist. Probably why I can't stop writing it.
True! And why I can't stop reading it.
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