The Price - Part Two, Beecher/O'Reily, NC17

Feb 01, 1999 04:01

Title: The Price - Part Two
Beta: ozsaur , my hero and shit
Pairing: Tobias Beecher/Ryan O'Reily
Rating: NC17
Categories: First Time, Angst, Drama
Warnings: Discussion of NonCon and Rape
Spoilers: The First Season, Through Capital P
Synopsis: Beecher and O'Reily strike a bargain that ends up helping them both deal with the pressures of their first harsh year in Oz.
Word Count: 12,620
Disclaimer: Don't own' em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Notes: Written for callmeri for Oz Magi 2008. Originally posted on January 2, 2009. Divided into two parts due to length.

My prompts:
Pairing: Beecher/O'Reily
Prompt Phrase: I'd do anything for you / Just you ask me and it's done / But everything has its price (Suicidal Tendencies)
Canon/AU/Either: Canon
Special Requests: A little smut would be awesome, but if you don't want to go there, just go wherever inspiration takes you. :)

(This entry has been post-dated for archive purposes.  It was originally posted on January 2, 2009.)

The Price, Part One can be found here.

The Price - Part Two

Toby slipped into the storage room and looked around. "O'Reily?" he called quietly. He didn't see Ryan, but that didn't mean anything. There was only one dim fluorescent flickering over the sink in the corner and there were shelves he could be hiding behind. Ryan stepped out from behind the farthest shelf and motioned Toby over.

"Hey, over here. You sure nobody saw you?" At Toby's nod he grinned, his eyebrows wiggling comically as he waved a joint around like Groucho Marx' cigar. "Step into my office."

Toby's grin was wry as he paraphrased one of his daughter's favorite poems. "Come into my office, said the spider to the fly." He glanced around at the shelves on either side of him and the cases of cleaning fluid stacked up for seating. "Cozy. Nobody comes in here?" It seemed awfully convenient to him, but he knew that O'Reily had been using this room for months now without ever being interrupted.

"Nah, not on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Maid's days off." O'Reily joked as he settled down on one pile of cases. He motioned to the other. "Have a seat."

Toby's grimaced as he shook his head. "Thanks, but I'll stand for now."

O'Reily winced. "Oh, right. Sorry. I thought maybe you were okay, today. I mean, since you went in to work and all."

Toby glanced down to the floor, flushed. Wasn't that funny? He could still blush after everything he'd been through since he'd arrived in Oz. He'd spent all of Monday in bed and he was better today, but still, it was difficult to sit for too long. The worst part for Toby was that everyone in Em City knew what had happened, even if they hadn't had a ringside seat for the live performance. 'Come one, come all! Enjoy the show. Make Toby's humiliation complete.'

"Sorry man. I shouldn't have mentioned it." O'Reily fired up the joint and held it out to Beecher, who crossed the couple of feet to take it from him, drawing deeply and holding it in before he finally exhaled to continue their conversation.

"Don't worry about it, O'Reily. I just hate to think about the fact that the entire prison knows by now. No wonder it was so easy to get away from the Sister this morning. The way she was looking at me, squirming at my desk. I should have known." He stared at the joint in his hand, then looked up with a laugh. "I think I'm gonna need something a bit stronger than this to get through the day."

O'Reily nodded with a grin as Toby finally took a big hit off the joint. "Hey, don't worry, I got you covered. I just figured we got time to kill for once. We should take it slow. Relax a bit. Just you and me here, and we've got hours before lunch starts. We'll get there, don't you worry."

Toby sighed, watching the smoke as it rolled out of his mouth. He liked the way pot smoke smelled. And it tasted different than cigarettes, too, the few times he'd tried them. Pot was definitely better. He leaned against the shelves, propping his arm on a box of household gloves.

His voice was soft. "Thanks, Ryan. This is just what I needed today." He took another hit before handing it back to O'Reily, who smiled at him toothily. Toothily. Now that word was a real mouthful. He grinned at himself. A real mouthful. Jesus. He had the craziest thoughts when he was high. And he was only three hits down. Today was already looking up.

They passed the joint back and forth in silence for a while. Toby could tell there was something going on in Ryan's head though, his leg was bouncing, jittering, the way it did when O'Reily had something big on his mind. But he obviously wasn't ready to talk about it, so Toby took advantage of the silence to try a little repressing. It wasn't going well. It was hard to get Sunday night out of his head, but damned if he wasn't going to try.

Ryan caught him shuddering, and raised one eyebrow in question. He shrugged. "I'm working on my powers of repression."

O'Reily grinned. "Oh, yeah? How's that going for you?" He grinned at Beecher then took a big hit off the joint, red sparking off the end as he flicked the ash onto the floor.

Beecher frowned at his smart-ass comment, "Very funny, O'Reily."

Ryan just snorted, smoke expelling from his nose, making him look like a fire breathing dragon or something. He stubbed out the roach and tucked it away. "Okay, your powers of repression could obviously use a little help." He pulled out a vial and passed it to Toby. "There you go, Beecher. Knock yourself out."

"Oh yes. That's more like it." Toby took a hit and could tell the difference immediately. He felt a smile transform his face as the first flush of the drug crashed into his body. "Thanks, man. You just don't know how much I needed that." He finally lowered himself gingerly to the stacked cases of cleaning supplies, relaxing for the first time all day.

Ryan grinned back at him. "I've got an idea just from the look of bliss on your face." O'Reily seemed to relax then as well and soon he was telling Toby about how inventively he'd cursed out Warden Glynn when he'd traipsed through Ryan's freshly mopped halls with about a dozen visitors following behind him like a school of tropical fish out of one of Ryan's travel brochures.

Toby ended up giggling like a fool over the part where Glynn, in his shinny dress shoes, slipped and almost took out half of his sycophants in one fell swoop, his arms windmilling as he fought to stay upright. Giggling. It seemed so strange to do something like that in Oz, but in the safety of an unused storage closet, sharing tits with Ryan O'Reily it seemed okay to laugh. It felt freeing. Ryan had given him that. It was a gift he wasn't willing to give up. He'd find a way to pay Ryan back.

It seemed only a few minutes later that they realized they'd need to leave in five or ten, and Beecher fought vainly to hang on to the remnants of the good mood he'd been in for the last couple of hours.

Ryan handed him the almost empty vial. "Here, Beecher, finish this off before you leave."

Beecher looked at him, surprised. "What? I thought you said that was it until tomorrow. That's your last hit, O'Reily. I can't take that." He put the vial on the case stack Ryan was sitting on, and smiled at him. "I'm okay. Really."

"Nah, Beecher, that hit is for you. You don't wanna go back to work squirming in your seat, do you? You need it more than I do at the moment."

Toby frowned. He refused to think of himself as a victim today and O'Reily's obviously solicitous behavior was pissing him off. He thought that O'Reily would take the hint, but he kept pressing it on him, albeit in a rather unique manner. He couldn't help but laugh when Ryan picked up a streetwise hoodlum's thick accent and over the top mannerisms as he treated Beecher like a reluctant kid on the playground he was talking into trying out his wares.

"C'mon man - you'll like it, I promise. All the kids are doin' it. Just one hit, and you'll be just like all the cool kids. You know you wanna - and it don't hurt, it makes you feel like you're flying, man. It can give you anything you want." Gradually, Ryan gave up the street punk, the transition slowly wiping the smile from Beecher's face as he listened to Ryan's half-joking monologue. "You can be anything you want when you got tits in your hands. Anywhere you wanna go, you can go. You can be free. It's all up to you, man - you and this pretty white powder."

Ryan dumped the powder on his own hand, the way he'd done the first time Beecher had tried heroin just a couple of weeks ago and he pushed closer until he was right next to Toby, Ryan's chest lightly touching his arm as he leaned in to whisper in Toby's ear.

"This is the stuff, Beecher, and I saved it just for you. Go on. Take it. You know you want to." Toby shivered at the warm air blowing over his ear from Ryan's words. He hadn't taken his eyes off the powder on Ryan's hand since he poured the last of the vial there. He wondered why Ryan was doing this. It seemed like a selfless act, he knew Toby was suffering and he wanted to do something for him to ease his way. But that was just not the way O'Reily operated, was it? He didn't have an altruistic bone in his body and Toby knew that.

But the white powder was calling him and today he just didn't have it in him to fight it. Why should he? He needed it and it was there. Toby leaned over and sniffed the powder up his nose and immediately, he felt better for having done it. It always hit him like that. Sort of a ëoh yeah, that's why I keep doing this' moment. He smiled. That was nice.

Ryan's hand was still there in front of him and he noticed the residue on the fleshy part where the powder had rested. Without thinking about it, Toby stuck out his tongue and swiped along the trail to lick it up. Ryan pulled his hand back with a jerk, but Toby caught his wrist.

"Wait. I missed some." He licked Ryan's hand again, making sure he got all the residue this time, the bitter tang sharp on his tongue. He let go of Ryan's hand, but it stayed there for a moment. Toby looked over at Ryan who was staring at him wide-eyed, a look of surprise, or maybe it was shock, on his face. Toby couldn't really tell which. With Ryan so close to him like this it was hard to focus on more than a a single facial feature at a time.

He concentrated on Ryan's mouth because his tongue came out just then and licked his obviously dry lips, leaving a slick trail of moisture behind. Toby repeated the move on his own lips ñ monkey see, monkey do. Ryan blinked and jerked away, his hand going down to his pant leg to wipe along the seam.

"Gross, Beecher. What'd you do that for?" He looked down frowning and wiped his hand across his shirt this time.

"Relax, O'Reily. It's not like I have cooties or something. It just seemed a shame to waste it, you know?" Ryan was weird sometimes; he'd come to expect that, so it didn't throw him. The strangest things freaked him out. His grin spread. He was actually looking forward to getting back to his desk and getting some work done. He thought he could actually sit still enough to get something accomplished, now.

"I wonder what they have for lunch? I'm starved."

O'Reily smiled at that. "It's hotdogs and tatter tots today. C'mon, I'm getting hungry, too. You go first. I'll follow in a few minutes. That will give me time to get the ashes off the floor, straighten up a bit. When I'm through, they'll never know we were here."

Toby checked the hallway, but paused before leaving the room. "O'Reily?" Ryan poked his head out from behind the shelf of supplies, curious. "That was slick. That whole jive thing you had going on there."

Ryan grinned at him. "Liked that did you? I'm a little rusty, but I think I've still got it."

Toby nodded. "Oh yeah. That was frighteningly effective." He pointed a finger at O'Reily in warning. "I just want you to know, if you ever show up at my children's playground, I'm gonna kill you on sight."

Ryan burst out laughing. "I consider that a compliment, Beecher."

Grinning, Toby slipped out the door, pulling it shut behind him. "Mmmm - tater tots."

O'Reily was staring at him again. He had been for a couple of days now and it was beginning to creep Toby out. Because it wasn't just any part of Toby he was staring at, it was his mouth. He licked his lips again, a nervous habit, one he'd never been able to break himself of, and shivered when Ryan's eyes focused on his tongue. When his eyes rose finally to Toby's, Ryan blushed and looked away. Something strange was definitely going on.

He took another hit off the joint they'd been sharing and handed it back to O'Reily, who concentrated on the smoke trailing off the end of the joint, while Toby took his time studying Ryan for a change. There was something up with O'Reily, but he couldn't figure out what and thinking about the way Ryan had watched him eat lunch yesterday wasn't helping. It just made him squirm for some reason. What was so fascinating about hotdogs and tater tots?

He hoped that whatever was going on in O'Reily's mind wasn't going to change things between them. He appreciated his time with Ryan, it was pretty much the only time he didn't feel the need to be on guard against the bullshit forced on him here in Oz. And now that Sister Pete had agreed to let him spend an hour before lunch 'in the library' every day he really hoped Ryan wasn't about to blow his safe haven out of the water. But he knew something was up and it was making him nervous.

With the way Schillinger was escalating the public humiliation and degradation he heaped on Toby every day, he didn't need something new to worry about. He dreaded the day Schillinger had had enough of him. He didn't know if Schillinger would just kick him out, or want to pass him along to some other Aryan, but either way it tore his stomach up thinking about the ways things could move from bad to worse.

At least with Schillinger he knew where he stood. He wasn't sure he could handle anything else right now. He needed some stability and, strangely enough, Ryan O'Reily was the one offering it. Well, that, along with a great dose of oblivion. He needed the time to talk and joke or just sit in companionable silence, but he also needed the buzz. And Ryan was his supplier of the best high he'd had in a long time and a way to wipe away the horror of the Oswald Correctional Facility. He needed this. And that meant he needed O'Reily.

He glanced up to find O'Reily's gaze pinned on him yet again, but before he could say anything, Ryan spoke up. "I've figured out a way to help you deal with Schillinger, Beecher. I mean, it's not perfect, it's not gonna get you away from him, but it might give you a different perspective on him and help you deal with his crap easier."

Ryan's face was carefully neutral, not giving Toby any clue as to what was going on in his mind. "What are you talking about, O'Reily?"

O'Reily smiled that crooked grin of his and stood up, crossing the few feet to Toby to lean on the same shelf Toby was using to prop himself up. His tone of voice was low and seductive and his eyes were intense, staring right into Toby's.

"You need to be your own man again, Beecher. You need to remind yourself that whether Schillinger knows it or not, you've got balls. You can't openly defy Schillinger, but he doesn't have to know. You'll know. You'll have a secret that spoils his perfect little world. That makes him less in your eyes. A secret that helps you live with his crap without falling apart."

He moved away then and started to pace as he spoke, his intense energy tightly controlled but still showing in his eyes and his abrupt movements in the small space. "See, I was thinking about you last night, Beecher, when I was in my bunk. Actually, I was thinking about Schillinger." He paused long enough to glance over at Beecher, then grinned, quicksilver fast. "Yeah, I know. But listen.

"I was thinking about the way Vern bragged that he had you so trained that you'd never let anyone else touch you. That you'd always belong to him, even after he got tired of you and threw you away. I realized that what you need to survive Schillinger is to find a way to make your own decisions. To choose for yourself who touches you and who you touch."

O'Reily stopped in front of Toby again, staring into his eyes and almost convincing him that anything was possible. "If there were someone you knew you could trust, someone you knew would never tell. You could look ole Vern right in the eye and know you're not the hopeless prag Schillinger thinks you are. You could stand tall again, Beecher, and believe in yourself because you know he's nothing but a fool. You have the power to make your own choices no matter what he thinks."

The idea slowly took hold in Beecher's imagination. "A cuckold. And he'd never know."

"Yeah, whatever." Ryan leaned against the shelf again, even closer than before. "It could work, Beecher, you know it could." Beecher could tell that O'Reily had no idea what a cuckold was, but he didn't try and explain. His mind was too full to try and sort out an explanation right now. He wanted this. He needed something, anything at this point. And it could be the perfect solution if he could find the right person. But who the hell would have the balls to defy Schillinger with him?

"No. It won't work, Ryan. There's no one I could trust to keep that kind of a secret from Schillinger. In the end, the ones who'd keep the secret would be far too frightened of Schillinger to actually let me get that close. Who would be brave enough to do it and still keep a secret? No one."

"Oh yeah, there's one person, Beecher. You can trust him because he already holds your secrets and you know he'd never tell. The one person who already holds your secrets in his hand."

O'Reily opened up his hand to reveal a vial lying on his palm. Toby stared at the vial, then looked up at O'Reily, shocked. Toby couldn't read O'Reily's face. As usual the mask he wore was in place, but his eyes burned into Toby's and he realized with surprise that this wasn't just for Toby. Ryan wanted this. He wanted it for himself.

"I'm never going to say anything, you know that Beecher." Ryan's voice was low and persuasive, and his gaze was suddenly too intense, Toby had to look away. He found his eyes on the vial in O'Reily's palm as he listened to those seductive words. "You know you can trust me. I'm the only one you can truly trust.

"And this way, you kill two birds with one stone, right? You defy Schillinger and pay me back for the buzz." That got Toby's attention, and he looked back at Ryan as suddenly it all came together in his mind. Suddenly it all made sense - O'Reily's price. "I'm only human, Beecher. I'm a man with needs that are never going to be met in this shit hole. I'm here for one fuck of a long time with nothing to keep me company but my own hand. This way you get the tits, I get relief, and we both screw Schillinger. It's perfect, Beecher. It's just fuckin' perfect.

"When Schillinger's fucking you and telling you that he's never going to let anyone else touch you, you can laugh to yourself because you'll know that you just sucked my cock and Schillinger's perfect little prag doesn't belong to him at all. You'll know that you're stronger than he is. Every time you swallow my come it will remind you that Schillinger may think he owns you, but you make your own decisions, and you choose to defy him."

O'Reily stepped closer, so close that Beecher could feel Ryan's breath on his own skin, just like he could feel the seductive power of O'Reily's charm pulling him in, telling him that this was what he wanted. And the crazy thing was, he wasn't so sure that it wasn't just exactly what he needed. Toby closed his eyes, hoping it would be easier to think if he wasn't staring into Ryan's eyes, but in the dark behind his eyelids, O'Reily's voice became even more enticing as Toby focused on his softly spoken words.

"You want this Beecher. You want it as much as I do. You want to laugh behind his back when he brags about who you belong to. You'll know you only belong to yourself. You and me, we'll both know who's really got the power."

He felt something touch his chest and his eyes flew open. Ryan's hand was there between their bodies with the perfect little vial that held the promise of relief and forgetfulness and maybe even a way to get back at Schillinger without committing suicide by openly defying the bastard.

"C'mon Beecher. You know this is the only way to get back at him. To get your revenge. You know you're going to do this. So just do it. Take it, Beecher. Take your revenge."

Toby reached out and touched the vial in Ryan's palm, his fingers running along the length of it, the glass warm from Ryan's hand and smooth to the touch. He watched his hand like it belonged to a stranger. And it did. It belonged to someone he'd never known before his first day here in Oz. He'd had no idea and now it seemed he had no choice. But that wasn't true, was it? He could make this choice.

He could choose to relieve the horror of this hellhole and get revenge on Schillinger at the same time. And all he had to do was keep O'Reily happy. And why not? O'Reily was the one who made his life here even the least bit tolerable. Why not do for him what he was already being forced to do for Schillinger? At least with Ryan he'd know it was his decision, not something forced on him by that Aryan bastard.

His fingers closed around the vial and he held it up to his nose, taking a deep sniff, closing his eyes as the oblivion set in and white-washed all his problems, covered everything and left him feeling free. Freedom, now there's a concept.

"That's it, Beecher. That's good." O'Reily plucked the vial out of his hands and took a hit before tucking it in Beecher's pants pocket. "Here, put this away before you loose it." He leaned close, close enough that Beecher could feel the cloth of Ryan's shirt against his arm. His voice was low, just a whisper.

"I was thinking about you in my bunk, Beecher. Schillinger just wouldn't shut up about you the other night, how good you were at sucking cock. All I could think of last night was the way your tongue felt on my hand that day, hot and wet and - well, it felt like sex." Ryan's whispered words buzzed in Toby's head, and his head fell back as he took a long, deep breath to try and clear it. It didn't work. He could almost feel Ryan's words brushing up against him like velvet, thick and lush and warm against his skin.

"All I could think of was your tongue licking my cock, your hot mouth wrapped around my balls. I got so turned on just thinking about the way you always lick your lips. I could almost feel those wet lips wrapped around the head of my cock, sucking, flicking your tongue against it, driving me wild. I came all over myself last night, came harder than I have since I've been here, all from thinking about your lips and that wicked lawyer's tongue."

Ryan was pressed firmly up against Toby now and Toby twisted slightly so he could look directly into O'Reily's eyes. The movement brought more of their bodies into contact and Beecher found himself leaning into the touch. It felt so good to press up close against that hard, wiry strength.

But the words Ryan was saying, those were the best things of all. Ryan wanted *him*. He'd had other choices and he'd refused them all, but he couldn't stop thinking about Toby. He needed Toby the way Toby needed Ryan and that was exhilarating. That knowledge was as powerful a rush as the one he got out of a vial. It pulled at him the same way the heroin did, pulled him closer and closer to the heat in Ryan's eyes.

"It wasn't enough, Beecher. My own hand just doesn't do it anymore. I need the real thing. I need touch, someone else's hand on my cock. Will you touch me, Toby? I need you to touch me."

O'Reily reached out and ran his hand slowly down the outside of Toby's arm stopping at his wrist. He lifted up Toby's hand and placed it on his own shoulder. "Touch me, Toby."

So Toby did. He felt disconnected from his own body which he thought was strange since he could feel the muscles and bones of Ryan's shoulder so clearly. He watched as his hand moved slowly down Ryan's chest. Ryan took a quick breath when he ran his palm across one hard nipple so Toby went back for more. He moved his fingertips across the nub, tracing the areole lightly before taking the nipple in his fingers and twisting it lightly.

Ryan's chest rose as he took in a shuddering breath and Toby looked up to see Ryan's face flushed and his lip caught in his teeth. The pupils of his eyes were blown, dilated and intensely focused on Toby, who realized suddenly that all this time he'd been uncomfortable with Ryan's intensity focused on him because he hadn't realized the reason for it. Now that he knew, he felt a rush of pride.

He smiled slowly and ran his tongue along his bottom lip, watching Ryan's eyes avidly follow the course of his tongue. He could throw Ryan O'Reily totally off his game just by licking his lips. Now that was power. He let his hand slide down Ryan's abs until it rested on the waistband of his pants. He knew he could do this, but he was still a little nervous about actually touching someone voluntarily.

Ryan took a deep breath. "Go on. Touch me, Beecher. Gimme your hand."

He took Toby's wrist and placed his palm on his cock. Beecher could feel it right through the material of his pants. It was half hard already and that surprised him. He jerked away a little, but Ryan held his hand firmly, rubbing lightly. Toby swayed slightly and his hand closed of its own accord, grasping Ryan's cock and squeezing gently. Ryan gasped and his eyes closed briefly, like a slow blink. "That's it, Toby. That's it."

O'Reily pushed his hips forward into Toby's grip, his voice deeper and more demanding, but still seductive and just a little breathless. "Feels good." He fumbled with his own belt and Toby pulled back as Ryan unzipped his pants. The pants slid down easily, his hips too narrow to keep them up, and Toby ran his fingers over the bulge in Ryan's boxers, running rings around the tip, but still a little shy about pulling them down. Ryan's cock jumped in his hand and Toby jerked a little in surprise.

Ryan just pushed his boxers off, pulling the cloth over the head of his cock carefully before letting them fall to the floor to join his pants. "I want to feel you, Beecher. Skin on skin."

So Toby took Ryan's cock in his hand and ran his fingers along the length. Ryan's eyes closed and he sighed, "Oh yeah, that's it." His hips gave an aborted thrust and Toby closed his hand around his cock and started stroking him in time with Ryan's breathing which was getting louder as his cock got harder. It felt funny holding O'Reily's cock like this. Schillinger always wanted to be sucked, so he'd never done anything like this before.

The skin felt dry in his hand and he wondered if he could find some hand lotion or something to use as a lubricant. He supposed he could just spit in his hand. It wasn't good, as lubricants go, but it had worked when he was a kid. He never had this problem with Schillinger, saliva worked better when you used your whole mouth. Obviously Ryan was thinking the same thing because when he looked up Ryan was staring at his mouth again, licking his own lips. The heat in Ryan's eyes made him shiver because he knew what O'Reily wanted.

Beecher took a deep breath, let the last of his reservations go, and fell. He knew he'd hit hard, but his knees weren't complaining at the moment, so he pushed it aside. He'd worry about that later. Right now he had something to do. He took Ryan's cock in his hand. He looked up as Ryan's breathing deepened again.

"That's it, Beecher. Suck me."

Toby stared at Ryan's cock for a moment. It looked strange to his eyes, thinner than Schillinger's and the head wasn't as big, but it was as long or maybe even longer and there was a drop of clear fluid gathering on the slit. He wondered what Ryan tasted like. Would he be bitter and yeasty like Schillinger? He didn't smell like Schillinger, but he didn't have enough experience to know if that made a difference or not.

He leaned forward and licked the tip to taste the precome, holding the shaft in his hand. He jumped when Ryan moaned loudly. He'd practically forgotten there was a person attached to this piece of flesh until he was reminded by O'Reily's tortured voice.

"Beecher. You're killing me here, man. Do something. Please."

Toby smiled to himself as he ducked his head and sucked softly on the very tip, running his tongue across the slit. Ryan's gasp and the way he grabbed Toby's head were all the evidence he needed that he was doing this right. And he wanted to do this right. When it was Schillinger he was giving head to, he did what he had to do to avoid punishment or a lecture of some sort, but right now he had a point to prove. He could do this. He could offer Ryan something he couldn't get elsewhere.

He could offer Ryan something he'd never go elsewhere to get. Although he hadn't said it, implicit in the words he'd told Toby was the fact that not only could he trust Ryan, but Ryan knew he could trust Toby as well. He'd never trust anyone else with this. Toby knew he'd had offers; he'd turned them all down, claiming he was no fag. He trusted Toby. That was a privilege, a trust he didn't intend to break

Toby took his time, laving the crown with his tongue, running the tip around the rim and flicking it over the bundle of nerves just under the head, making Ryan gasp and his fingers tighten in Toby's hair. He ran his tongue along the thick vein on the bottom of the shaft, licking up and down several times before slipping his lips over the top again and taking in about half of Ryan's cock, fisting the bottom half, twisting his hand like he was unscrewing the lid on a jar.

He could hear Ryan's breathing getting faster as he moved his mouth up and down over the top half, creating as much suction as he could and using his tongue to swipe the underside as he moved up and down. Toby lost himself in the motions. After months of doing this to Schillinger he was used to it, he could practically blow Vern in his sleep. It wasn't that he liked doing it, but it was familiar and he found himself thinking about the things he usually avoided by concentrating on the mechanics of what he was doing.

Ryan's taste was different. Still metallic and somewhat bitter, but his precome didn't have that yeasty taste that usually turned Toby's stomach. And his cock was thinner so it didn't stretch his mouth as much. It was a little longer, though, so it hit the back of his throat faster than Vern's did, but he bet it would be easier to deep throat and that would be nice. It felt hot and slick in his mouth and he found himself enjoying the feel and the taste.

He reached up and cradled Ryan's balls in his free hand. Soft and lightly furred, they were heavy and warm in his hand. He rolled them, squeezing gently and Ryan's hands clenched in his hair. They didn't pull or anything, it was sort of like getting a scalp massage, Ryan's fingers just couldn't seem to stay still. It was like he was petting Toby. That amused him. What did Ryan think he was, some sort of cat? His amusement made him hum around the cock in his mouth, making Ryan moan, his balls drawing up close to his body.

Right, time to get busy. He could hear O'Reily speaking softly, but he really couldn't understand what he was saying. He only caught a word here and there. Things like "so good" and "wet and hot" and something about his "golden lawyer's tongue." He heard Ryan say his wife's name at one point, but he couldn't tell if he was saying Toby was as good as Shannon, or if Shannon did it better, and he found that he really didn't want to know. So he concentrated on what he was doing again and ignored Ryan's words.

He glanced up at Ryan's face expecting to find his eyes closed or his head thrown back, but Ryan was watching Toby, his gaze fixed on Toby's mouth, watching as his cock slid in and out of Toby's swollen lips. Toby would have grinned if he hadn't had his mouth full because he knew how to make O'Reily lose his cool. He took a deep breath and relaxed his throat, shifting his position enough to slip Ryan's cock back and pop the head past the resistance at the opening of Toby's throat.

Toby heard Ryan gasp, but he had closed his eyes to concentrate. Even after all this time, it still took an effort to force a man's cock down his throat. But he'd been right, Ryan's cock went down easier than Schillinger's, and he swallowed three or four times in a row to celebrate that fact. Ryan's hands clenched tightly in his hair as he cried out and Toby's eyes shot open as he watched Ryan gasp loudly before getting himself enough under control to muffle his shouts against his arm.

Toby felt Ryan's balls tighten in his hand, so he pulled back long enough to take another deep breath, then he went back down on Ryan's cock, swallowing as fast as he could, hoping this would be enough to set him off. Ryan grabbed Toby's skull and shoved his cock as far down Toby's throat as it would go, thrusting in and out two or three times and then he just held him there, pressing Toby's face against his skin, his curly hairs tickling Toby's nose. Toby felt his cock swell one last time and then Ryan came, curled over Toby's head, holding him close and gasping hard enough that Toby could feel the breath on the back of his neck.

Toby didn't try to pull away, he was too well trained. Vern would never put up with that kind of behavior. He was starting to see stars in the corners of his eyes when Ryan eased back and Toby pulled off far enough to gasp for breath through his nose while sucking very gently on Ryan's cock, cleaning it off with his tongue. Ryan's come tasted different, too, although why that surprised him he didn't really know. He let Ryan's cock slowly slip out of his mouth as he pulled up Ryan's jeans and underwear. He fought to get his breath back and smiled to himself as he listened to Ryan cursing under his breath.

"Goddam, Beecher. That was - damn. Shannon should take lessons from you, man." Ryan staggered back to the stack of cases he'd been sitting on earlier and collapsed on them, knocking several rolls of toilet paper off the shelf behind him when he leaned heavily against them. "Shit! Maybe there's something to that whole thing about guys knowing what guys like, you know? Cause Shannon, she's a fast learner and all, but she just doesn't get it. Not like you do. That was something else, man."

He laughed, raking his hand through his hair. "Next time? I need to be sitting down first, okay?" He glanced at his watch, wincing as he saw the time. "Damn. I wonder if I've got time for a nap."

The incongruity of the whole thing hit Toby then and he started to laugh. Ryan looked up at him, surprised. Then he grinned sheepishly. "I can't help it. I get off intense like that and I need recovery time, man. It's just a fact of life."

Toby shocked himself with his own laughter. He clamped a hand over his mouth to try and hold it in, but it was difficult. It just seemed to well up from nowhere, full and cheerful, and it felt good. Ryan joined him and they laughed while Ryan lit up another joint, sniggering around the smoke. And they just couldn't stop. They'd calm down for a while, then out of nowhere, they'd break out into laughter again, making each other snort smoke out their noses and their eyes water.

Toby felt like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He had an ally. Someone he could trust with his secrets. And he had secrets to share, secrets that belonged to just him. And he got to decide with whom he shared them. It felt good. It felt right. It was the beginning of something new and who knew where it would lead or what would happen next, but that was okay. He was ready for that future now.



nc17, beecher/o'reily, oz magi

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