Vivat Regina, the second installment in the Mrs. Hawking series, is going to be having a staged reading with Bare Bones, the reading series hosted by Somerville, MA theater troupe Theatre@First!
(Translation: I haven't ever been involved with something you directed, or something Elizabeth or Ryan has acted in, and haven't been involved in a show with Gigi since college, and I know it will be a good show. Bare Bones is theoretically a low enough time commitment that I could do it! My overcommitment will be its own LJ post soon but right now I will just say, I want to audition but I'm not going to. This is me holding myself accountable.)
Comments 2
(Translation: I haven't ever been involved with something you directed, or something Elizabeth or Ryan has acted in, and haven't been involved in a show with Gigi since college, and I know it will be a good show. Bare Bones is theoretically a low enough time commitment that I could do it! My overcommitment will be its own LJ post soon but right now I will just say, I want to audition but I'm not going to. This is me holding myself accountable.)
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