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Comments 10

waltzmatildah September 30 2013, 00:37:09 UTC


hanfastolfe September 30 2013, 05:59:28 UTC

It ties up *every hanging thread* since season one!

It has Walt getting his final one-up on Gretchen and Elliott - providing for his family - saying one last goodbye to Skyler, Holly and Flynn - getting one over on Lydia, who I think really proved her true colors when she was willing to work with out-and-out Nazis to keep her money coming in - and finally putting paid to all the Nazi assholes and setting Jesse free as well.

Also, a serious moment of awesome? Jesse asserting his independence one more time and telling Walt to do it himself if he wants to die so badly! I cheered as much as I did when Jesse finally killed that creepy asshole Todd. :D


It's the end of an era, and while I may have more thoughts on this ep later, for now, a fond sayonara and farewell to Breaking Bad! :)


waltzmatildah September 30 2013, 08:21:28 UTC
It ties up *every hanging thread* since season one! Except for Huell!! WHAT HAPPENED TO HUELL!!!!!

I choose to believe he's still sitting in the hotel room. Waiting.


warriorpoet September 30 2013, 13:03:54 UTC
Maybe when Saul found out from Walt what had happened to Hank and Gomie, he figured out that they had played Huell to find out more about where Walt's money went. Then he sent Kuby to go rescue him, and Huell and Kuby took the little bit of money they lifted from Walt's barrels and went to Mexico. Then Saul went to Nebraska. Huell and Kuby send him postcards. Saul sends them Cinnabon.


nikki_cee September 30 2013, 22:12:34 UTC
I am forever believing this and only this.


lmichelle599 September 30 2013, 21:55:24 UTC

So good. I was worried all day, but I should've known Vince wouldn't let me (us) down. Walt got to everything on his bucketlist.

I didn't expect Badger and Skinny Pete. I thought he had really hired snipers!

I knew the ricin had to be for Lydia.

Jesse strangling Todd!!! Best. Scene. Ever.

I still feel for Walt, especially when he sees Walt jr and Holly for the last time. His role as a parent is over except for the money they will receive later. But his death was on his terms and I respect that.

It's really over. I think it just sank for me today. *sob*


shatisarockgod October 1 2013, 00:50:22 UTC
I've honestly been avoiding Breaking Bad sites and communities during the season because I didn't want to accidentally see any spoilers. And normally I'm a spoiler junkie for any current shows I happen to be watching at the time. I guess that speaks volumes, eh ( ... )


shatisarockgod October 1 2013, 00:52:35 UTC
And one more thing: I hope the Saul spinoff is as good as Breaking Bad. Anybody have any more updates about that series or is it still way too early to be talking about expected premiere dates?


taiga13 October 1 2013, 03:56:03 UTC
One thing bothering me: Won't the police find Jesse's confession tape in that compound? He'll be a wanted man. Hopefully he has the good sense to just KEEP DRIVING, maybe make it to Alaska after all.
People are saying he'll go take care of Brock, but he has no custodial rights unless Brock's grandmother (I'm assuming that's who's taking care of him now) gives them to him. And why would she?


irlandesak October 3 2013, 02:37:03 UTC
Yes, although I imagine a lawyer could get that thrown out considering he didn't have his lawyer there.

But I do think there is no guarantee that Walt's money play and "free Skyler" plan necessarily work. All we know is that it worked in his mind.


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