[countdown] day six | rip

Aug 06, 2013 11:37

OOPS. I am the worst. But I'm back now, I promise!! LET THE COUNTDOWN RECOMMENCE!


Breaking Bad has seen its fair share of characters killed off. And in some of the most spectacularly shocking of ways. Today's countdown appreciation post is dedicated to all the characters who played a vital role in the show, but are now no longer with us. ( Read more... )

official activity: countdown, character: mike ehrmantraut, character: gus fring, character: jane margolis

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Comments 10

crucified August 6 2013, 01:48:17 UTC
I just watched Face Off the other day and I got so sad when Gus was walking into the retirement home. It's weird because I was/am rooting for Walter always, but it just got to me this time lol. The whole scene was so amazing and well done.

I still miss Jane and I always wonder what would have happened to her and Jesse if she had lived.


waltzmatildah August 6 2013, 11:50:38 UTC
I still miss Jane and I always wonder what would have happened to her and Jesse if she had lived. Oh, man, me too!! His life could have looked so different (for better or for worse).

And yes, Gus. At no point did I ever want him to defeat Walt/Jesse, but at the same time, I MISS HIM!! Dude was kind of epic!


venturous1 August 9 2013, 15:09:55 UTC
me too -- Gus was an incredible character, I hated to see him go.


bellonablack August 6 2013, 01:52:53 UTC
Jane definitely was the part where I thought I saw Walt lose any semblance of a soul but it described a ton about him personally at the same time? The idea of family and that Jane's father furthered this god-like complex about Jesse and what that meant--because of how he rationalized it at the time, just that expression. It was a start of an accident and then defined him beyond a doubt ( ... )


waltzmatildah August 6 2013, 11:57:59 UTC
I totally agree that watching Walt watch Jane die was definitely the start of a ~massive focus shift for me. Up until that point, Walt had been the comically dysfunctional science brain behind the meth scheme. Up until this point it was still possible to see him as this largely innocuous middle-aged dude who knew the chemistry but was also, for the most part, out of his depth in the drug-world. I think it was likely a massive turning point for Walt too, because he came to realise that he ~could betray Jesse and he ~could do despicable things and still rationalise them away as "for the greater good". And there sparked his downward spiral. As much as I loved Jane, (and this sounds really weird to say!) I love what her death SAID. The way it came about, the reaching consequences, the effect on Walt, the effect on Jesse. While Walt using the Lily of the Valley to poison Brock in season four was another twist and gave us the information that Walt was no longer a reliable narrator, I think Jane's death was at least as significant a turning ( ... )


ex_leo_sosn August 6 2013, 02:29:25 UTC
Obviously it is Tuco. So authentic crazy and stupid criminal. Tight, tight, tight, tight!


waltzmatildah August 6 2013, 12:08:59 UTC
Tight, tight, tight, tight!

... )


falafel_musings August 6 2013, 18:05:01 UTC
I miss all the dead characters!! There are two deceased BB characters in particular that I would have loved to see more of before they bit the dust.

First, my fellow nerd, Gale Boetticher ...

Forever immortalized in Thai karaoke videos and Whitman poetry books that will out Walt has Heisenberg. I like that Gale managed to get some measure of revenge on Walt from beyond the grave.

Secondly, Krazy 8
Why did Krazy 8 (or Domingo Molina) have to die so soon? He was hot. He was fascinating and devilishly manipulative. Loved him. I got so many chills when Walt put the broken pieces of that yellow plate back together and noticed the missing shard. I still get chills now every time Walt cuts the crusts off his sandwiches.


waltzmatildah August 7 2013, 07:48:43 UTC
You're totally right about missing allll the dead characters! I don't recall a single death that hasn't been super significant in the context of the show. Nothing has been gratuitous (not even Gus and his box-cutter or the tortoise!bomb - which they both easily could have been). All have been carefully crafted and important. As with everything else on this show, tbqh!!

Everything from the Madrigal exec. electrocuting himself with the AED, to the orchestrated prison deaths, to the little boy in the desert, to Jane and Gale and Gus.

GAH. This show.



venturous1 August 9 2013, 15:09:07 UTC
what about Mike? I grew quite of the Ermentraut, he tried to take Jesse under his wing, and he had good street smarts, he survived for a long time. It really hurt when, and how, he died. Idiot Walt!


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