March Badness: The Final Face Off

Mar 08, 2013 19:44

And then there were two! I still can't call the final result, but lets get to it.

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Comments 11

hanfastolfe March 8 2013, 19:59:23 UTC
It's interesting that the "bottle" episodes are the final candidates - other episodes voted on are part of a broader arc, so the creators probably couldn't focus as much on the personal interaction and introspection and process of self-discovery we really get to see from the characters.

Personally, I went for "Four Days Out". There's something about Jesse's irrepressible "SCIENCE, BITCH!" that underlies his unwavering faith that Mr. White can solve the problem of the dead Crystal Palace Winnebago. And it's so ... kind of innocent, compared to Jesse's and Walter's interactions in "Fly" when Jesse still has faith in Mr. White and cares for him, but Walter is already carrying the secret that he stood by and watched Jane die.

I kinda feel that taints the Walt/Jesse closeness a bit compared to "Four Days Out".


falafel_musings March 8 2013, 20:43:09 UTC
I completely agree with your reasoning that Walt & Jesse's relationship is more innocent and endearing in '4 Days'. That said, I love me some tainted love and that's part of the reason I voted for 'Fly'. I love the dark surreal tragedy of 'Fly'. But really '4 Days' and 'Fly' are apples and oranges. Both delicious in different ways. I won't mind which one wins.

I think you're right that the bottle episodes stand alone more than most BB episodes that fit into broader arcs.


pgilmour March 8 2013, 21:06:26 UTC
Tough choice! I surprised myself and went with 4 Days Out. I love Fly, but think that 4 Days Out is kind of more representative of the show as whole - cooking montages with great music, epic scenery, life and death struggles, and of course, Walt and Jesse. Does that make sense?

Anyways, thanks for doing this! It made one of the many, many, many weeks of waiting go by a little more quickly!


falafel_musings March 8 2013, 21:34:12 UTC
Yeah, that makes sense. I agree that 4 Days Out is a very good representation of the whole show. Fly is more like Breaking Bad inside out. Tonally it is very different, but it's like a dark journey into the soul of the show. I'd also count the ladder scene as a 'life or death' moment, the quietest subtlest 'life or death' moment on the show, but GAH the tension kills me every time.

I think '4 Days' is gonna win this though.

Thanks for voting! *sigh* I wonder what other BB themed journal activities I can think up to pass the five months we still have to wait. The new Behind the Scenes video brightened up the week too. Hope AMC starts posting more S5.2 goodies!


cylune9 March 8 2013, 22:18:34 UTC
I went for Fly but I won't be upset if 4 Days Out wins! I love that it's the two bottle episodes battling for the top prize!! Go Walt and Jesse!!

If 4 Days Out wins, we could consider the picture you selected for this exercise to be quite... fitting. :)


falafel_musings March 8 2013, 22:29:33 UTC
LOL! You think I gave 4 Days an unfair advantage? Hee. Maybe my subconscious predicted the result long before I did? I thought something more action driven like One Minute or Face Off might win at the start.

It's still too early to call. Fly has been the sneakiest episode for creeping ahead late in the voting.


cylune9 March 8 2013, 23:24:11 UTC
You know what I'll be saying if Fly wins, right? :p


falafel_musings March 9 2013, 08:26:22 UTC
I knew Fly was a lot of people's favourite but I also know a lot of fans dislike it or think it's a waste of time. So I always thought it could get voted off in the head-to-heads.

Damn. This poll is completely deadlocked! Hope it gets more voters.


frenchani March 10 2013, 19:13:51 UTC
I am in Rome with no time for LJ but I had to vote.....for Fly of course!


falafel_musings March 10 2013, 19:37:37 UTC
Phew - thanks for breaking the deadlock! I was ready to declare a's so close it basically is a draw.


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