[Log] Something Fabulous, Pt. 3

Aug 27, 2005 23:00

Who: Amilin, Chakieth, C'len, Deneth, Isorath, Josilina, Kirath, L'sen, Neiveth, Ozriadasoth, Sarisia, Savaughna, S'din, S'vorin, S'rist, Suraiya, Te'an, Tiqueth, Vildaeth, V'rin, X'dyr
When: Unknown
Where: Weyrleaders' Ledges, High Reaches Weyr
What: The new weyrlings feed and oil their dragons after their hatching.
Notes: Find Pt. 1 here and Pt. 2 here.

Weyrleader Ledges
     A flight of steps worn smooth with time lead up to a broad flat area with enough room for a gold and her consort to sprall and lounge. Openings lead to a room used for conferences, the Weyrwoman's private room, and the hatching sands themselves. A round table of well polished hardwood sits in one corner and is surrounded by chairs.

Tubs of oil and meat

Obvious exits:
SeniorWeyrWoman Bowl Passageway to the Hatching Grounds Council Chamber WeyrLeader Sky

"Good job," comes the easy praise from C'len, clearly proud that his lifemate's learned an important skill. One at a time, more pieces are offered, each given once the previous one's been chewed and swallowed.

Sarisia catches sight of the swishing tail, tilting her head slightly but soon enough the voice in her head starts up again. "Oh, it's called food," She states as she produces another piece. "Meat to be exact." She nods as she watches Tiqueth chew.

Bronze pair settled in, Amilin moves off to intercept the newest arrivals. Another bucket of meat claimed, it's brought over and offered to L'sen, along with a smile, "Congratulations, the pair of you. Here now, you can take this and get settled in. Make sure he only gets a piece at a time. And also that he takes the time to chew."

V'rin watches Tiqueth's fidgetting tail, and grins just slightly as he steps to get some oil to bring back to Sarisia and Tiqueth. "When he starts itching, if he hasn't already, and once you have some free moments while feeding, you should oil him. Their hide dries out quickly." He looks up as the next pair come in, smiling, "Congratulations!"

Tiqueth opens his mouth for more 'meat', using his long tongue to lick up a few juicy drops that try to escape. Oh, this is really good. He looks around while chewing to see what else is in this place.

Enter Lassen--no, L'sen--stumbling about as he enters and then stops hopelessly at the door. "Neiveth? Um--oh, good." He turns from blue to Amilin and then beams. "Thanks!" he tells her, then V'rin, before he trundles over to have a seat, bucket in tow. "So. One piece at a time, and you're s'posed to chew. Got it?" he repeats the instructions, as much for his own benefit as for Neiveth's. Peering into the bucket, he reaches in and pulls out the first piece of meat, eyeing it speculatively.

Sarisia graciously takes the oil, setting it down and getting more meat for the hungry dragon. "Here ya are, now while you're being a good boy, chewing thoroughly and all, I'm gonna take care of the itching." After the meat is deposited in Tiqueth's mouth she sets to work on the tail.

Neiveth trails along at L'sen's feet, considering his new lifemate's minimal garb with a distinctly hungry whirl of eyes. Thankfully, there's this bucket, and meat on the way, to distract him from a swift nibble at a candidate's robe. Instead, he gloms that first bite of food from L'sen's hand and promptly attempts to swallow it whole, tipping his head up to make the gulping go easier.

L'sen is fortunately ignorant of the fact that his robe is being eyed as a potential source of dinner; he's busily turning the meat over in his hands, briefly wrinkling his nose. "I dunno about you, but I'll stick with it cooked, you know?" he remarks, jerking his hand away from Neiveth snatches the raw meat and swallows it whole. "Whoa, hey. Wow. Um. That's... impressive, but I don't think you're supposed to do it that way, you know what I mean?" he remarks, staring at the blue.

Tiqueth can't stop moving his tail back and forth. The sensations of the rough stone scratching this itchy spots, Sarisia's oily hands and the slowly filling hole in his belly put him in a slightly playful mood. He keeps flicking the tip back and forth while chewing and swallowing just as she showed him.

Amilin keeps an eye on Neiveth and L'sen, with a quiet answer of "You're welcome." That of course is followed with the perhaps unnecessary cautioning of, "Watch him. You might need to explain..." She moves past Vildaeth and C'len, telling the latter as she passes, "There's oil over there, when he starts to itch. F'rank can show you, if I'm busy."

V'rin steps back from Sarisia and Tiqueth now, and moves over to greet the new pair arriving, smiling, "Congratulations! Come on in, we have all the food she'll want. Be careful, though, you'll have to make sure she eats only one piece at a time, and make sure she chews, you might have to teach her how," he adds, saying it seriously despite his smile, as he steps to get them a bucket of the meat chunks.

Deneth follows after her new lifemate with the sort of enthusiasm that's destined to about trip her Te'an. The new crowd earns her briefly-baffled swirling gaze, but she recovers quickly, arching that neck and curling her tail around.

Sarisia continues to work on the itchy tail, the tail moving from side to side not helping much, but it doesn't annoy her like it usually would. "Glad yer in a good mood." She lets out, smiling as she finally gets that one spot she'd been aiming for. "There ya are, better right?"

Neiveth's throat makes interesting meat-strip shapes as the gobbet goes down the hatch. Then it's to fixing soulful eyes on his pet human, obvious hope swirling in their hungry facets.

Te'an isn't watching his step as well as he probably ought to be, so when Deneth follows him like so - he takes a few fumbling steps and barely manages to catch himself. But, no scolding follows, and he just nods at V'rin and takes the bucked. Looking into it, he certainly turns a bit of green himself. "Okay, Deneth.." He says, trying to get her in a spot so he can help feed her those chunks.

Tiqueth finally stops moving his tail, letting it rest. His eating stops so he can crane his head back and examine it.

L'sen just boggles at Neiveth, blinking. "You /are/ good. You know, I think we're going to get along good," he remarks at last, when the last meat-shapes disappear down the line of Neiveth's throat. "Here, have s'more. But, um. Hey! Why don't you try chewing this time? Because it's... it's new? And you haven't done that before?" He makes a face, trying to think of some way to convince the blue to do as asked. "You know what chewing is, right?" He doesn't explain just yet, only blithely offers the dragon another piece of meat.

Amilin passes V'rin on his way for his bucket to pick up another bucket of scraps as well. This time she's on hand to greet X'dyr and Isorath, "Congratulations! Let's just get you settled in with this, shall we? You only want to give him a piece at a time. And it's very important that he chews. You might have to explain to him how it's done."

Isorath slowly, creakingly, follows his new lifemate across the sands and to their new home, staying close to that outstretched hand. His hissing subsides, his wings folding again at his sides like ancient scrolls.

Deneth warbles, then croons, then utters a low rumble that's all but devious, before brightening again. She's clearly playing, gladly assisting her lifemate to a good spot. Which is to say, until she stops waiting and attempts to stick her head in the bucket.

Sarisia beams at her lifemate. "I think so too, the best." She adds as she gives his eye ridge a nice scratch. "I think it's a lovely tail. The nicest I've ever seen."

Neiveth takes the next strip of meat carefully between his teeth, sweet-eyed gaze firmly stuck on his human counterpart. He just stands there for a moment with the meat dripping onto his tongue, a tasty delay that makes him drool slightly. Slowly he clamps down, compressing the meat in a mighty vise of pale violet jaws. Then, experimentally - showy-like - he draws his maw open once more. Teethmarks are displayed in the strip. He chewed! And then he tips his head up again, plainly intent on another gulpy gobble if not stopped.

Perhaps just a little confused as to where things are meant to be, X'dyr trails in with a partner in tow - the extended hand hovering close to the bronze's head. Amilin's instructions are received with a sigh of relief as the blonde youth nods, murmuring his thanks. "This way, there's food over here." And for the first time, he smiles - tears glinting in his eyes as he makes his way over toward one of the bins of meat.

Te'an tries to get Deneth's head out of the bucket, "Hey! Not /yet/!" He exclaims, fearful she might do something she shouldn't. He pulls out one of the scraps and then tells the green, "I'm glad you were there too, now I'll never be alone." He then flops on his bum to poke through the bucket to find a good piece, with instructions, "You /have/ to chew this, so when I give it to you, you don't just swallow it. Move that jaw of yours up and down." He even goes so far as to demonstrate then offers the meat to her. "Don't bite me either." He adds, then waves at X'dyr as he comes in.

Tiqueth likes this scratching. He nudges her hand with his head, abandoning the meat stuff for a minute. More, please!

Once Vildaeth's hunger has been sated, for now, the pair venture toward one of the tubs of oil. C'len spreads oil from the cinnamon-hued headknobs to russet toned neckridges, and onto other parts of his skin. The bronze hums softly, and, while he's being tended, looks about for potential mischief to be made, especially near that recently twitching brown tail.

"Very go--Ack, no!" L'sen jerks a hand toward Neiveth as the blue chews once and prepares to swallow again, the meat mostly whole. What he intends that jerk to do isn't clear; he might be grabbing for the dragon to stop him, or maybe for the meat, though perhaps that's not a very good idea. "Chew it s'more," he insists. "You're s'posed to chew it until it's... until it's all mushy, you know, and then it's supposed to be easier to swallow, see?"

V'rin watches as Te'an feeds Deneth, keeping a close attention to make sure they're doing fine, then when reassured he steps to get them some oil. "Once she's fed, make sure she's well oiled, hides dry out quick after a hatching." He glances up to X'dyr and the bronze, smiling, "Congratulations!"

Deneth takes the meat, and chews. Sort of. She's more just lifting her head and moving her jaws, with the meat resting neatly upon her tongue. See, look how good at this she is!

Sarisia continues scratching with one hand as the other searches for another piece of meat. Finally finding one that is of good size she offers it to Tiqueth. "Wonder how big you'll get." She asks with a goofy smile in place, watching the brown adoringly.

V'rin steps up to greet Suraiya and Ozriadasoth then, smiling, "Congratulations! Come right on in, food's right this way." He gets a bucket of food and brings it to them, "Now, you have to be careful, make sure you feed her slowly, only one piece at a time, and make sure she chews. You'll probably have to teach her how."

Isorath nudges X'dyr's hand, comfortingly and insistently, keeping control of his limbs as they approach his first meal. His lithe tail drags the ground, talons clacking softly past his clutchsiblings.

Ozriadasoth sticks close to Suraiya, butting her lightly with her head every once in a while. Emerging onto the ledge she warbles in a trilling sort of fashion at all the others, tail twitching energetically.

"Oh, you're nothing but perfection!" Te'an exclaims to Deneth, though he does try and give her some tips by manhandling her jaw himself. "No, you wouldn't would you? You're doing pretty good, but maybe more like.." He isn't very good at teaching a dragon how to chew. He looks at the oil, and sighs, what a lot of work this is and how bloody he's getting. "I'm going to be a mess after this.."

Neiveth pauses. Oh. He lowers his head and gags a bit, then chokes forth the bit of meat out of the beginning of his throat and back into his teeth. He hasn't apparently discovered that he has back teeth yet, so the forefangs do the delicate work of chiseling the raw gobbet up into tinier raw gobbets, but eventually the little blue parts his pale maw and shows off a mushy slime of bloodied meat. Num!

As well wishes and greetings come in, X'dyr bobs his head and lifts a hand in thanks. "So, first things first, let's get you fed." Bits of meat are plucked out of the bin, but not immediately offered. "Isorath, I want you to chew this stuff before you swallow it." The newly made weyrling attempts to mimic the action of chewing, attempting to get the bronze to imitate before handing over the meat. "And don't bite your tongue."

Suraiya is trying to control her sudden bursts of giggles as she enters with Ozriadasoth. "Oh! Thanks," she giggles in V'rin's direction, a little unfocused in her surroundings. Bucket first. She gets the first piece with a wide grin. "Here we go, here we go." She takes the first piece with one hand, the other pointing to her mouth. "You chew it, like this," and she masticates her tongue a bit. "But don' bite your tongue!" She hands over the piece, finally realizing the others there. "This is Ozriadasoth! Ozriadasoth!" Oh, fun.

Amilin checks on Vildaeth and C'len once more, then gives a warm smile at their progress as she swings past L'sen and Neiveth, "That's it. You're doing fine. Be firm with him on this. He needs to listen to you. And when he's sated enough to notice the itches, there is oil over there to prevent his hide from getting too dry. Just spread it on." Isorath and X'dyr are glanced after, but left be as the former starts his meal.

Deneth does get the hang of it, now, and once she's worked up a rhythm, she's once again headed for that bucket. More, more, more. Her tail whips around, the young green ignoring everything around her in favor of meal and mate.

Ozriadasoth settles down enough to accept the first piece of meat, though her tail's still at it: swish, swish, swish against the stone. She closes her mouth only to pop it back open again, tilting her head to peer inquisitively at Suraiya, tongue wiggling just a bit around the meat chunk.

"Yeah, that's it!" L'sen declares excitedly. "Real good, Neiveth. But, um. Just keep doing that, 'kay, and you don't have to, you know, show me every time, right?" He grimaces in disgust at the mush the blue's mouth holds. But, with lesson learned, he offers up a grin and another piece of meat. On Amilin's advice, he queries, "You itchin' yet? I am, but I think that's just 'cause I got all hot an' sweaty out there, and now I'm cooling down a little bit. You're lucky, you know? You get all this stuff first."

Sarisia unglues her eyes from Tiqueth for the first time since the Impression at the sound of her sisters bubbly voice. "Sur?!" And she takes in the green. "Congrats!"

Isorath stills, raising his slim neck and fine-boned head to regard his lifemate with wide, adoring, mischievous eyes. He holds this pose for a moment while being lecture--er, talked to, then stands up on his slender hindquarters, reachings determinedly for the meat with jaw parted and rows of sharp teeth waiting. Suddenly, and in contrast to his somewhat frightening appearance, he juts his tongue out, and it lolls between his teeth. Not bitten! Now give!

Tiqueth's eyes are no longer red or whirling. He finishes chewing a last piece of meat and lets his whole body relax.

C'len's just now coming up out of he bubble that is him and Vildaeth, now that the dragonet has been soothed with both food and oil. He looks around at the gathering group of weyrlings and grins, wide, waving and calling congratulations to those still arriving.

"That's great! Jus' don' bite the tongue." Suri sticks her tongue out, still displaying it in case she might have mistaken. "And I bet they'd all love you! You're cute, funny, an'... jus' the bestest dragon around!" And then there's the voice, her double's voice. "See right there? She's lots of fun! Thanks, Sari!" She waves to her sister, returning to her lifemate immediately afterwards. "Okay, more?" She holds another piece.

"There's nobody but you here right now." Te'an says, scooting a bit closer to the green and trying to get her head out of the bucket again. "I'll give you what you need, don't need to go being greedy. You'll get sick." He comments, pulling the bucket to him too so he can offer her another piece. He reaches to scritch at one of those eyeridges and smiles brightly at the green. There's a cursory glance to the others around, but never the less, he seems enthralled by Deneth.

Neiveth retracts his tongue in a lithe curl and clamps his maw shut over the contents, then swallows. No meat-shaped glob distorts the hide of his throat this time, so chewing was apparently a successful maneuver. Then he opens his mouth again, sliding his head ponderously from side to side like a child slowly saying 'no' - never mind the fact that one rear leg keeps lifting to try to sneak a scratch in beneath his left wing.

Surprise marks X'dyr's expression as he watches Isorath demonstrate his understanding, and his face reddens a fraction before he starts to laugh softly, a tired laugh. Gladly the meat is given, one piece at a time as he watches with fascinated interest. "It won't run out, so eat slowly, there'll be more once you've finished with that bit." As the bronze eats, a tentative hand is stretched out to touch the bronze's head in wonder.

S'din strides off the sands and begins wandering through the milling, squawking, scratching, itching throng, giving encouraging words here, directions to the tubs of oil there, generally helping calm the cacophony a bit as he works his way to a place where most everyone can both see and hear him.

Deneth accepts the new pieces of meat without other effort, but it's the scritch that really halts her attempts, and she leans into her lifemate's hand before attempting to get other areas of green hide within reach.

Isorath slowly takes the first offered bite, moving his tongue aside in time to not chomp down on it. The whirling of his eyes slows at each additional piece of meat, contentment and patience outweighing the immediacy of hunger. He leans his head into X'dyr's offered hand, proffering an eyeridge.

V'rin stays with Suraiya and her green, making sure the green is handling the food safely, then says, "When she starts to itch, make sure you oil her, her hide will dry out pretty quickly." He glances up to Savaughna and Kirath's entrance, "Congratulations!" Then, S'vorin and Chakieth come in, and V'rin suddenly seems to swell with pride. "Congratulations!," he repeats, but then goes on as he moves to bring them a bucket of meat. "I knew you'd make it. Now, be sure he eats slowly, one chunk at a time, and make sure he chews, and you'll probably have to teach him how."

L'sen watches Neiveth a moment, brows knitting. "Well, okay, then," he offers after a moment, nodding. He extends another piece of meat to the blue helpfully, then leans to the right to eye Neiveth's scratching. "Are you /sure/?" he asks curiously, scratching his own side in sympathy itching. "Not to hurry you up or anything, just wondering," adds the young man quickly. "Here, have s'more. If we get you fed up soon, then we can move on over to that, right."

S'din clears his throat and raises his voice to speak. It's amazing how long years of WeyrlingMasterhood hasn't marred his voice, but instead trained it to cut through anything with the only possible possible exception of a full gale, "May I have your attention please?" echoes across the ledge, carried to every ear.

Savaughna enters, still looking somewhat.. well, drunk, she's so overwhelmed with happiness. A laugh threatens, and she nods to V'rin, "Thankyou." She keeps one hand on Kirath, fingers stroking her hide. "I think we need food. Now. Please."

Te'an continues scritching at Deneth, and anything he might have said is quelled to listen to S'din. He keeps the bucket captive so she can't dunk her head in it, and instead has to ask for pieces to be given to her until her hunger is sated.

"Had to, didn't I?" S'vorin says with a beaming grin for V'rin. "Look. Look at him! His name is Chakieth. Isn't he..." he loses words, then. Perfect! Hungry! Little! Clumsy! ...Brown!

Amilin's on hand to greet the arrival of Savaughna and Kirath, with that bucket of meat scraps, of course, "Congratulations!" That first meal if offered up to Savaughna and the greenrider adds, "Make sure she only has a piece at a time, and that she takes the time to chew, hmm?" But her attention is quickly drawn to S'din, though she still keeps track of the new pair.

Sarisia continues to scratch and oil her itchy brown, pleased with task. "Yes, I know, itchy." She lets out in a singsong sort of way before S'din's voice catches her attention.

S'din smiles, "First of all, I want to congratulate each and every one of you on your Impression. You've begun one of the most amazing journies a person can make and I want you to know we're all behind you and are already proud of you. But for now, considering a few of you are beginning to nod off, let me get some business over with."

Suraiya bobs her head at V'rin. "Itch, alright... " She can barely tear her eyes away from Ozriadasoth, even to check on the approaching 'lings. What other Weyrlings? "Do ya itch anywhere, Ozriadasoth? Or still hungry?" She's waggling a new piece of meat, watching intently in case the green might injure herself eating. But at S'din's words, her eyes snap up and she waits for what's to come.

Vildaeth's eyes slowly whirl a faint blue, humming softly with pleasure as C'len rubs along his headknobs. The pair stand back from the oil and meat buckets to make room for others, the young man turning his attention to the Weyrlingmaster.

Neiveth scratches some more while chewing. And now, I shall balance most of my weight on three legs, while a fourth leg scratches beneath my wing, while my wing flutters, and -at the very same time- I shall eat this piece of meat slowly and carefully, while crooning gratefully at my new lifemate! ...and somehow, he pulls this feat off, though a few times the foot has to slap talons down to the stone to steady himself. At least, after another mouthful of meat, he does not plead with those undeniable, huge eyes for more.

Chakieth struts in after S'vorin, the rider doing the leading at least so it seems on the surface. He's since tucked his wings down, the easier to scootch in and find something to eat and the boundless enthusiasm before rights itself so that he skitters past the boy he's claimed towards a bucket of something, skidding to a stop somewhere near Neiveth and staring.

S'din says "First of all, you are *all* welcome to just spend the night here. Your dragonets are all tired from the hatching and I know you are too. When you both awaken in the morning, you can go down to the barracks. Speaking of the barracks, you are not allowed to have ANY visitors in there, except for me, my staff, and the Weyr leadership. Anyone else must be first cleared by myself or Amilin. Also, you are confined to the barracks until further notice, because you will need to be by your lifemate's side constantly these first days. Is all of that *PERFECTLY* clear?"

V'rin nods, smiling to S'vorin proudly still, and understandingly. He respectfully quiets as S'din calls for attention, but also keeps a good portion of his attention on S'vorin and Chakieth, making sure the brown gets safely through his first mouthfuls. Once that's done, he steps back and stands to watch the reaction to S'din's words, and listen to any further.

Deneth does continue eating, for longer than many of her clutchmates, but soon it's the itch that wins out, and she hunkers down beneath her lifemate's scritching. Te'an's attention - lying elsewhere, as it well should - does not meet her immediate approval, but she's tired enough to tolerate it for the moment, her energy waning.

The eyeridge pressed against his fingers causes X'dyr pauses briefly, having not expected the movement from the bronze, "I should get you oiled, your hide will be drying out." The words murmured to his lifemate in hushed tones as he watches Isorath eat. S'din's entrance and subsequent announcements are given an ear to be heard, but his fingers never break contact with the bronze's hide.

Ozriadasoth continues to chew enthusiastically, now that the whole tongue business is cleared up. She makes a low, almost burbling noise at the back of her throat as the Weyrlingmaster speaks, ducking her head close to the stone and watching him, tail flicking out to tap Suraiya as she does.

"Don't we get to go to the feast?" S'vorin demands of V'rin (not S'din) sounding already aggrieved with the Weyrlingmaster. But then, speaking of feasting - uh oh. "No wait. This bucket over here's for us. For you." He makes a grab for the bucket that V'rin brought them and reaches into it for a hunk of meat.

S'din smiles at S'vorin's reaction, "Once your lifemate drops off now, you're welcome to spend a *little* time at the feast if you like, but get back fast in case they wake up and are hungry or itchy again!"

L'sen jumps, startled by S'din's voice. He glances in the man's direction warily, then back to Neiveth. The blue gains most of his attention, as much as for his amazing feats as for the simple fact that he is L'sen's. "Wow, coordination," he marvels in a whisper to the blue. "By the way, you got all that?" He glances back to the weyrlingmaster. "Oh, ready for oil now?" Obligingly, L'sen corners a bucket to begin that next task of weyrlinghood.

Savaughna hurridly selects a tender chunk of meat for Kirath. She's slow to give it to the new green, miming how to chew with her own mouth, making sure Kirath chews thoroughly. She's too entranced to do much more than murmur agreement to S'din, bobbing her head as another juicy piece of meat is fed Kirath. Sel--S'vorin, gets an odd look. And then, "Oh hey!! You impressed too. I didn't even notice."

"Oh, Deneth.. You itch." Te'an laments, though rather than scritching more he reaches for the oil and pushes away the meat. He then starts slathering on the oil on her, far more than she probably needs much to her chagrin. He just nods at the Weyrlingmaster, no argument there, he's not about to leave his Deneth's side.

The instructions from S'din garner just a nod from C'len, the activities of today and the past few days finally getting to him, causing a wide yawn that he tries to hide.

Suraiya glances between the Weyrlingmaster and her lifemate, giggling again. "Yes, sir!" She calls cheerfully. No problem with hanging out all day long with Oz here. "So ya full about now, to move on to the oiling... Then 'gain, there's plenty more to eat." She pats her own belly. "But I'll be here as long as you are, so take your time with it."

Sarisia finally is allowed to cease the task of oiling. She nods at S'din's words. "Yes Sir." Is also added before Tiqueth nudges her hand and she gives him another loving caress.

S'vorin impressed, and has a fistful of raw meat with which he's trying to distract Chakieth from someone else's bucket. He glances at Savaughna. "Oh - yeah," he says. "Chakieth..." he gestures at the brown, a cursory introduction, then turns his attention back to that whole feeding thing.

Isorath leans on his lifemate, tipping his decorative head to rest it against the tanned blond X'dyr. The prospect of oiling results in a pleased yawn, the dragonet eager for its soothing touch, but perhaps more tired after his showy ordeal.

Neiveth blinks a slow, tri-level blink of multiple eyelid sets, then swivels his head toward S'din. S'din, not being L'sen, holds the blue's interest for a few moments only, and then Neiveth crouches to better scratch. One rear leg, then the other. Flakes of dried egg-goo snow off of him onto the stone.

Suraiya giggles at her lifemate, and then finally stops. "Ya didn't /hurt/ your tongue, did you?" Here comes the panicing. She kneels down, trying to inspect her completely. "You're alright, right?" She clutches at another piece of meat she was about to hand over, using it to wring out her little panic attack. She straightens up soon after, concern slowly moving out from her face as she waits for her green to finish.

L'sen eyes the flaking goo, lip curling. "Ew, that's kinda gross. You need a bath sometime, too. But for now, this'll do," he notes, nodding. Helpfully, he does his best to slather a line of oil down the dragon's side where he seems to be scratching the most. "That better?" he wonders. "Am I doing this right?"

Chakieth shuffles toward his rider, then, too eager for the food to worry about grace or poise, and gobbles down the meat from S'vorin's hand, hissing for more, which the boy quickly retrieves from the bucket and shoves into the waiting maw. He's started to get the hang of the feeding thing. After a few more handfuls of meat, he looks up to see if V'rin is still nearby.

Neiveth goes from egg-flaky to oil-slimed. Unconcerned, he lifts a dark wing and tucks his head beneath to check on the status of his hide. Experimentally, he puts out a flicker of a tongue to taste it, then unsnakes his head from beneath the shadow of his sails to lap at his maw repeatedly in an effort to get the oil off. But with one side tended, he's once again tricksy and graceful, using only one rearleg to scratch the as-yet unoiled side.

S'rist strides through with a double armful of large egg pieces, disappearing briefly into one of the side passages, then he makes his way through the maze of weyrlings and their young lifemates, not interrupting the near constant feeding and oiling going on as he heads towards the steps from the ledge

Drowsy from the full stomach and oil application, Vildaeth finds suprising comfort on the stone floor, though it could be that he's Just That Tired. Egg breaking's hard work, after all. C'len crouches near the dragonet, hand scritching along the russet neck ridges as the bronze curls up, the pale tip of his long tail near his pointed snout.

"What's it taste like?" wonders L'sen as he watches Neiveth curiously. "Any good?" With a shrug, though, he lets that subject slide, as he scoots to Neiveth's other side to smear oil there, too. "You know, you're real good at that... scratching stuff. At that whole... stuff. You know, standing on three legs and that sort of thing," he says, gesturing vaguely and splattering oil on himself.

Having fed and oiled Isorath to both his satisfaction and that of the new dragonet, X'dyr makes tracks for the barracks - the pair exhausted from the experience.

Neiveth lifts his other wing to facilitate the oiling, but does not try to lick this time. Instead he lifts up that back leg that was scratching. Then he lifts up the other back leg. Of course, this requires the first rearleg go back down. Hm. That didn't work quite as he planned. He tries a foreleg - and succeeds, for a moment balancing precariously on two paws, front left and rear right. Wobble.

Josilina skirts through, egg shards in hand, with a big grin for all the weyrlings, though she doesn't disturb them, ducking into her weyr and then out again, heading off down the stairs to the bowl.

After checking to see her tongue is still in one piece, Suraiya had finished feeding the green until she began to realize her hide itched more than her belly ached with hunger. The oil came next, and Suri happily smeared it over her lifemate. "Hold still, Ozzy!" She tries her best to apply it evenly. Ozriadasoth, though happily being relieved of her most itchiest, seems to want to observe everything else. And darting her wing out of the way or tail when the paddle comes near is just, really, accidental. By the end, there's more oil on Suri as she attempts to fling it on instead.

Amilin makes her rounds through the new pairs. Offering advice to those needing it, fetching oil for some and occasionally extra meat. Never staying too long in anyone place, it would seem.

L'sen watches Neiveth, brows arching. "Oh, wow, that's good," he marvels. He sets down the oil long enough to mime clapping for the blue. "Oh, you want some more now?" He grabs the oil bucket back to continue slathering it thickly along Neiveth's hide, intent on coating every inch with a goopy, running mess of oil.

V'rin, on the other hand, stands back and watches for anybody who might need help, glancing around at the group as a whole.. He doesn't comment unless they should have need, however, being quiet so as not to wake any of the already sleeping dragonets.

Neiveth will soon be as slick as a grease trap. He carefully replaces both of the hovering paws on the floor and awaits his further oiling, muscles along his rearlegs twitching. When he seems to feel the slathering is adequate, he suddenly and inexplicably bugles atonally - and leaps forward, only to begin skidding in his own oil-drips. Whee! Slidey!

Neiveth is obviously not so concerned with not waking up his siblings as V'rin.

Finally, Chakieth is so full you can just about see the outlines of individual lumps of meat poking through the hide on his belly. And S'vorin takes up one of the paddles to oil him, carefully, thoroughly, attentively. "Hang on. I want to make sure I don't miss any spots," he says after a bleat from the brown, presumably a request to hurry up.

The loud bugle causes a waking snort from Vildaeth, whirling eyes going quickly from sleep to study as Neiveth slip-slides closer. That pale, long tail snakes out to provide a possible speed bump, should the blue come this way. C'len's startled out of a doze, himself, watching with amusement at the mischief-making bronze.

L'sen leans back to inspect his handiwork, nodding appreciatively about the time Neiveth bugles. "Whoa!" he yelps, startled; he jumps back and nearly slips in a puddle of oil himself. "Hey, that's--wow, that's kind of cool, you know?" he watches the blue's slide with a laugh.

Ozriadasoth's movements soon start slowing down. But that doesn't mean she's out for the night. She finds her voice, rumbling gently to begin with and then adding a few happy bleats herself, whirling eyes watching her blue clutchmate. "What is?" Suri glances away from her paddle and the green hide towards Neiveth with a grin. "That does seem fun! But not now. You're tired, right, Ozzy?" The girl misses the tail sweeping under her and she quickly joins the oil on the ground.

V'rin blinks at the bugling, and then laughs a little as he watches the playful dragonet, commenting, "Energetic." He looks back to S'vorin and Chakieth, nodding with another proud smile, then glancing back to notice Suri's fall. He blinks, not realizing to cause, and steps forward closer, "Are you alright? Have to watch your step with the oiling, the ground gets slippery too."

Suraiya breaks out into her mess of giggles, smacking the paddle on the ground among the rest of the oil. "Oh, fine! Sorry about that, sir. I think it's more on me than anywhere." What was the point of bathing before all this? She puts little effort trying to get up, getting her feet under her and making sure she didn't trip again. "Careful where you place that tail, Ozzy." Sure, it was an accident.. Suri steps out of the way, grinning the whole time. "All done, I think."

L'sen grins brightly at Neiveth's antics, then over at V'rin and Suraiya, noticing both of them watching as well. "He's good," he points out unnecessarily, pointing at the blue. But for Neiveth, the show is winding down, almost over. Even as he gives a theatrical bow, sliding his forelegs down to lower head and shoulders and violet wings, his eyes are flickering closed, whirling slowly. Finally, he settles down at L'sen's feet with a large yawn, his performance having exhausted him. Shortly, he's asleep and still, perhaps for the first time since his hatching.

s'din, neiveth, kirath, rachiel, chakieth, sarisia, vildaeth, v'rin, amilin, l'sen, s'rist, te'an, josilina, ozriadasoth, suraiya, isorath, s'vorin, x'dyr, savaughna, deneth, tiqueth, c'len

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