Title: Little Present
keeconkPairings: Yaotome Hikaru x Ayaka Nishiwaki (A-chan, Perfume)
Rating: R
Summary: Ayaka thought that it was time to give Hikaru his graduating present
A.N.: For the
JE SMUT/KINK ANON MEME. Prompt was on HIkaru's and A-chan's first date (I didn't write it exactly like the prompt but well). Original post
Ayaka stood up, abandoning her strawberry cake, and grabbed Hikaru’s hand before dragging him all the way out. )
Comments 19
YAMABU SMUUUTTT !!!!!!!! i luff it i luff it and i luff u !! gosh gosh gosh i cant shut my mouth !! xD
but i thought shoon should be the seme T.T
oh well.. THEY'RE STILL HAWT !
err.. gomen for not saying anithing for hika and a-chan..
i just dun like that pairing. they're cute though ^^
yay for YAMABU SMUT!!!!! lol.. i love you tooo!!!!
lol.. they both can go either way~.. I thinkt hey take turns.. they are both seme like.. so it's hard to choose.. :P
neah.. that's ok.. :)
u know.. Shoon is taking a revenge to yabu LOL
a-chan x hikaru!!!! i made their fanfic a while ago!
loves how a-chan can be soooo innocent~
kind a strange imagine someone like a-chan giving hand job to hikaru ^^;
and Yamabu's smut = WONDERFUL!
they are just too cute.. :D
hail yamabu smut!! we need more of those!! :D
will read later when I get home, lol
will be waiting of what u think of it then.. :D
THANK YOU *~I WAS OP~* /lacking sparklytext
So this was why funkysparks was telling me she knew who that wonderful anon was♥
hahaha.. funkysparks apparently asked me on twitter which fic i wrote.. so i told her.. she also told me that she might know who the OP was..
it turns out to be you! :D
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