Title: Getting Her Man
Rating: All Audiences
Characters: Remus Lupin and Tonks
Setting: During or shortly before Order of the Phoenix
Format: Double Drabble (200 words)
Summary: " Her every step was driven by an inner confidence, her hips swayed gracefully, and he was mesmerized."
Also Posted at: This was originally written for Prompt 4 (June 19) of the
RT_Challenge: One Year of Canon Ficathon: War is a series of catastrophes that result in a victory. - Georges Clemenceau
Disclaimer: I own none of this. J. K. Rowling and assorted companies including but not limited to Bloomsbury, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers own everything. They also make all the money. I am just having fun and in no way seek financial profit from their property.
Note: I usually have a fairly literal mind. For some inexplicable reason, I did not take this prompt literally. Silly little creative juices flowed on a path of their own choosing I suppose.
Getting Her Man
She could feel his eyes on her bum. Her every step was driven by an inner confidence, her hips swayed gracefully, and he was mesmerized. She disappeared around the bend in the hallway and checked the food. "It's ready," she called, poking her pink-topped head back around the corner to smile at him. "Why don't you get seated and open the wine?" He gave her a sexy smile, making her stomach lurch. It was all she could do not to squeal. She arranged the food on a serving tray. The meat was overdone, the vegetables underdone, and the mashed potatoes lumpy. She grimaced at the food but knew she had to plow ahead. She carried the tray to the table where he sat. The inevitable happened. She tripped, sending the tray, the food, and even the wine on the table, all over him.
With a yelp, Tonks jumped back as water spilled over her. She had not been paying attention and had overfilled the sink. She flicked off the water and returned to her dirty dishes with a sigh. How was she ever going to get Remus in reality if she could not do it right in her own daydreams?
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