Good morning!

May 20, 2022 07:30

The local movie theater runs old classics as well as current blockbusters, and last weekend they showed "Singing in the Rain", so I went with a few friends, and oh was it ever worth the $10 ticket. There's just something about seeing it on the big screen--especially the Broadway Melody number. The set design throughout the whole movie is just ( Read more... )

funky fridays

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Comments 4

raloria May 21 2022, 11:52:45 UTC
I'm so envious! Lucky you - getting to see that on the big screen!
Btw, where did you get that cool icon???


bratfarrar May 24 2022, 01:45:15 UTC
It was a ton of fun, yes--especially because it was a brunch showing and came with a really good bagel & sausage sandwich and some hashbrowns. Yum! :D

The icon came from the fabulous-but-sadly-defunct account --got a bunch of my icons from there.


raloria May 24 2022, 03:11:19 UTC
Oooh! Yum, indeed. :)

Thanks about the icon. I grabbed it from you and credited that account. Sad that there's no posts left there. :(


bratfarrar May 24 2022, 11:57:09 UTC
Technically the posts are still there--the creator just friends-locked the account. However, all the images are hosted on Photobucket, so everything now has their logo splashed across the middle. :(

However, I snagged a huge number of them prior to the Photobucket catastrophe--if you ever have a hankering for a particular type of image (knitting, or trees, or what have you), let me know. I'm not really an icon creator, but I have a HUGE unused stash from the icon-making community heyday, all tagged with the original creator account names. I'd be happy to share!


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