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Comments 22

casp622 January 31 2009, 08:06:50 UTC
Hi. I came across your work in FF.net and I started reading A change of Heart which I really liked as soon as I read it.

I have a question for you, I was wondering if you were going to continue that story since it stayed at a really good point and what was aluded to happening in the 'future' seemed really promising... I checked out the dates on your other work (though I must admit I haven't read them yet) and noticed that the last update was a while ago... I hope I don't offend you by asking I'm merely curious... I also noticed you write FF for HP, I'll be checking those out I'm a huge fan of that saga as well...

Thanks for your time =)


bratanimus January 31 2009, 13:28:16 UTC
Hi there! Thanks for commenting. I've added you as a friend, since I saw you already had me listed as a friend. :)

I appreciate your dropping me a line about A Change of Heart, and thank you for your kind words. I am actually about halfway through writing chapter 6 of the story. Unfortunately I've gotten sidetracked periodically over the last 6 months or so because of personal, real life stuff that I prefer not to detail on my LJ. It's nothing bad, but it's quite time-consuming and there's no way around it. So the story (and all fanfic writing) has had to take a back seat for quite a while. I'd like to give you an estimated posting date, but when I've done that before I've only proven myself wrong, lol. (For example, I told someone else I thought it'd be posted the week before last. I was mistaken. *sigh* ;))

Anyhow, I apologize for the LONG wait, and I hope you'll be around to read chapter 6 when it finally does get posted. Thanks again for commenting! :D


casp622 February 2 2009, 22:45:28 UTC
Thank you for answering my question. I'm glad to hear you will eventually continue writing, that’s what I was hoping… Don’t worry about the time schedule, life takes precedence and that’s completely understandable. I hope things go well and I’ll be patiently waiting for the next chapter, in the mean time I think I’ll check out some of your HP FF. I’ll have you know I’ve never read any HP FF from anyone, it never crossed my mind to do so, I’m still new to this whole FF world.

By the way thanks for the add! read you around and take care =)


cordelia_v March 28 2009, 02:26:59 UTC
*waves hello*

I heard about you from bethbethbeth, who recommended your stories when I told her that I had become very interested in Twilight. I've been very active in HP fandom for some years (at the Snape-centric end of it) but am bascially multi-fannish. I'm friending you and looking forward to reading your work; just wanted to say "hello" and let you know why I added you to my flist.


bratanimus March 28 2009, 07:10:45 UTC
Hello! *waves back* I'm very pleased to meet you! I am friending you right back. And please thank bethbethbeth for me for the very kind recommendation of my Twilight fics. :D

I'm in the (VERY slow) process of getting my stories organized in some way, so if you need help locating any of them just holler. My E/B WIP is called A Change of Heart (five chapters so far; yes, I'm still working on it, though it's been ages since I've posted! eeep! ;)). I've also written two E/B one shots, called A Consummation Devoutly to Be Wished and For Those Who Have Fallen from High Places, which could be read prior to reading CoH if desired. There's also a Jasper POV one about E/B called No Matter How It Ends. And lots of drabbles which are scattered everywhere. (I really do need to get all this stuff organized ...)

Nice to meet a fellow HP and Twilight fan! :D I must ask if your user name is related to the Buffy fandom? Or the Shakespeare one? :)


cordelia_v March 28 2009, 12:44:45 UTC
Ah, the user name came from yet another fandom, Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosiverse (although also a nod to the Shakespeare one). I picked it when I first got a private email account in the early 1990s as a tribute to my favorite Vorkosiverse character, Cordelia Vorkosigan, and it stuck through subsequent online account names, etc.

I look forward to reading your work, then. Seems like there are a number of people who came to this fandom from HP (e.g., minisinoo), which actually does make sense.


bratanimus March 28 2009, 14:54:07 UTC
Sorry, I have to use this icon, hee hee. Though I'm very much still an HP fan, Twilight seemed to have eaten my brain. ;)

My user name came from a nickname I gave my husband, lol. Bratanimus Maximus. ;) I haven't read Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosiverse, but I adore her writing based solely on The Curse of Chalion, which I thought was wonderfully written with a very compelling "voice" for her lead male character, Cazaril. I'll have to check out the Vorkosiverse for sure, now that you've recommended it.

I like Min's work very much, the bit I've read, and I've been meaning to read more of it. She's an excellent writer and the HP and Twilight fandoms are lucky to have her writing for them.


waitasec September 30 2009, 01:27:58 UTC
hi, I wanna invite you to join the new The Vampire Diaries community tvdicons :)
Take a look at the community and, if you like, join us. TIA.


bratanimus September 30 2009, 19:27:56 UTC
Ooo, nice icon community. I have joined. Thanks for the tip! :D

Just out of curiosity, how'd you get my name/know I might be interested?


waitasec October 3 2009, 16:06:40 UTC
thanks for joining! :)
hm, sorry, I'm not pretty how I ended up here, I guess I found you because you wrote "vampire diaries" in the interesses ^^'


bratanimus October 3 2009, 20:16:17 UTC
LOL, makes sense! ;)


Friend Or Foe anonymous December 4 2010, 18:06:16 UTC
Hey, I was reading one of your fanfics called Friend Or Foe, I really liked it, but it doesn't seem to be finished. I was wondering if you were planning on finishing it or is it just being left?


Ciana. :)


Re: Friend Or Foe bratanimus December 16 2010, 12:24:34 UTC
Hello, and my sincere apologies for not seeing your comment sooner! For some reason LJ has not been sending me notifications when people comment on my posts. Argh. :(

Thank you for your interest in Friend or Foe! It's been a long time since I've updated it, but I do intend to finish it. I'm not sure when I'll have time to get back to it; life has kept me too busy to write much at all the last few years. But I do hope to finish Friend or Foe, as I've put so much time and effort into the existing chapters. Thanks again, Ciana, for following that story. I appreciate it. :D


sabriel75 January 15 2011, 19:34:11 UTC

I am here because of ladybracknell mentioned you have researched make-up without additives and preservatives... all natural, hypoallergenic. If you would be so kind to let me see these flocked posts I would be very grateful.

Also, I do believe back when I read more HP you were one of the authors I read. Loved the pics of the Wizard World of HP. Looks like you had a blast despite the heat.


bratanimus January 16 2011, 03:11:13 UTC
Hello, and thanks for stopping by! Nice to meet you. :) I've friended you, so you should be able to see my product post. Since I posted that, I've started using several Talulah Skin Care products at the recommendation of one of my flisters, and I really like the products (been using them since April). They're a tad expensive, but I emailed their very helpful customer service department before I ordered so I knew exactly which products were most appropriate for my mixed bag of skin issues. ;)

Thank you for your kind words about my HP fiction! I've had lots of fun writing in that world, and yes I did have a blast at the theme park! I'm a big geek at heart. Love your icon, BTW. :D


sabriel75 January 16 2011, 04:14:47 UTC
Thank you kindly.

At the moment, I am in the process of being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease and have pretty much become allergic to everything, down to nail polish which I love and refuse to give up.

So Lady B recommended you to me and I shall take a look at these posts and see what my doctor will agree to letting me use. Maybe something will work. So again, thanks. :D


bratanimus January 16 2011, 20:30:56 UTC
I know I mentioned it in my product post, but do make sure you check out Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetics Safety Database. It's a great resource. They haven't reviewed ALL skin care and beauty products; but if you want to go for the safest options, you could always look at the products they've rated the safest (which often means the most natural) and shop that way. (They even review nail polish. :)) It's worth a try!

Best of luck with your doctor's visits and diagnosis.


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