Title: Released (Part 5 of A Change of Heart)
bratanimusRating: R for this chapter
Spoilers: Set after Eclipse with theories about Bella’s post-change “gift.”
Warnings: Animal hunting, feeding, and post-hunt sex. DO NOT READ if sex plus animal blood will squick you.
Pairings: Edward/Bella, all other canon pairings
Word Count: 4,584
Summary: It
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Comments 207
Before I get too distracted by what happened toward the end there, I have to say that your snippets of the other characters are perfect:
when he smiled I saw something of the man he must have been long ago --- Jasper; heart-wrenching image here!
Bella, where have you been all this time? --- Emmett; I can just see his dimpled smirk.
Your general theories of Bella's powers and vampire instincts are amazing! I've seen fan-fics with post-hunt intimacy and vampire/vampire love but this has put them all to shame!
Such intensity...I seriously need a cold shower now. Bless you, woman!
Thanks for your nice comments about the characterizations and the narrative. I really appreciate your reading this.
I'm glad you liked this, especially the characterizations of the others. I'd love to see the change in Jasper when he's released from his constant torment. And Emmett ... I just love him more and more. He's my comic relief and Bella's voice of reason, lol.
Thanks for your comments about the vampire/vampire love! I've been itching to write that for a while, so I'm glad it delivered. :D
Thanks again. :)
Morning smut. My day is now completely shot and full of distracted Edward/Bella thoughts.
I admit, I had the same thought as Carlisle - what if Bella couldn't feed? Luckily, not the case, and now they'll be able to get on a plane to go to Volturra without knocking Bella out :)
I love Jasper and Emmett in this fic, and I'd elaborate more, but your 9:30am vampire sex has broken my brain.
You are amazing!!!!!
I wondered, too, about whether Bella would be able to feed at all; but I figured animal blood is somehow different to her than human blood (maybe all those rare steaks she made for Charlie, lol). So their flight to Italy should be relatively uneventful. ;)
Glad you liked Jasper and Emmett; I'm really loving them more and more.
Thank you again! :D
Emmett cracks me up so much!
All the vampire/vampire love I've read so far is put to ashame thanks to this. I've said it before: You're the best FF-writer on the planet!
Ok, now I REALLY need to take that cold shower.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
I'm happy you liked Emmett; I sure did enjoy writing him. And I'm glad you liked the vampire/vampire love. :D
Thanks again!
Thanks for your very kind words about my writing, and the story. I'm so pleased that you like it! :D
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