Oh Gee, a Meme...

Apr 18, 2006 10:21

Since I was analized....
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brat_grrl April 18 2006, 10:05:03 UTC
1. When your eyes crinkle in a grin when something is really funny.
2. Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap -- AC/DC
3. You, Me, various weapons, on the field, in armor. =)
4. "You smell like bacon... Run."
5. Grand Outlandish, hanging out and discussing what it means to you to be a knight, fealty, and other things. It really stuck in my head/made me think.
6. "Bacon-fat is an essential part of this nutricious breakfast!"
7. Why the HELL did you have purple/blue hair for a while?


ladymorgiana April 18 2006, 09:54:32 UTC
I'll bite...:)


brat_grrl April 18 2006, 10:15:54 UTC
1. You care for others so easily...
2. Live and Let Die -- Paul Mcartney?
3. You, me, tea-party -- doesn't necessarily have to be tea. ;-)
4. uhmmmm
5. Me barely knowing you, and you dropping trou to show me your fairy. =)
6. ... And if you drink, drink with me.
7. How long did it take for you to get over your ex/get your life back in order?


ladymorgiana April 18 2006, 10:35:49 UTC
A "tea" party sounds good to me. ;)

I was actually "over" my ex before I ever left. The leaving was the hard part. We were married for 7 years and together for a year before getting married. Our marriage was over about 2 and 1/2 years before I actually got up the guts to walk out. (Basically, I convinced myself to think of him as an obnoxious room mate, mostly for financial reasons as well as an odd fear of failure.) I won't bore you with the details and timeline on here,(I would happy to talk about it in private if you like)but I would say that it was a good year after leaving before I felt "myself" again. Sometimes though, someone says or does something that reminds me of life with him and it still hurts 5 years later.


chavah April 18 2006, 10:36:04 UTC
Me too! *raising my hand and jumping up and down*


brat_grrl April 18 2006, 10:51:19 UTC
1. The way you always felt "right" when hanging around with the group. Even if we didn't know you, it seemed like we had, and that we were old friends.
2. Hey Macarena! (I just can imagine you dancing to it.. I have no idea why.)
3. I would love to just spend time with you, meet your son, and just hang out.
4. Step aside and let the monkeys do their bidness!
5. Me at fighter practice thinking that you were Rosza and calling you such!
6. Grant me the grace to change the things I can, the patience on the things I can't change, and the wisdom to know the difference.
7. When are you guys coming home to the Outlands?


chavah April 18 2006, 10:59:47 UTC
I'll have to follow through with #8 in a couple of days when I'll actually have some time to respond to people.

Coming home... if I have my way it'll be in about 4-5 years. I want to be out of SC before Sugar Plum starts Kindergarten. By then, mhael's son will be 12 or 13 and probably won't want to spend every other weekend with Daddy anyway. So, let's see that would mean moving in summer 2010 or 2011.

Of course if anything changes that lets me move back sooner... I will!!!


chavah April 18 2006, 11:03:17 UTC
1. Well, you all made me feel like I belonged and made it easy to fit in!
2. I'll dance to almost anything
3. I agree... next visit to CO it will be done! Afterall, when I visit, I stay in Erie at my sister's house.
4. *grin*
5. Better than my first Caer Galen midwinter when King Geo looked right at me during court as he was talking about everything Rosza had done to deserve some award. I was standing next to Bjorn at the time...
6. Every new mom needs that one!!!


wingedcorset April 18 2006, 11:59:16 UTC
This ought to be interesting, seeing as how I hardly know you...*smile*


brat_grrl April 18 2006, 12:10:46 UTC
1. I loved the way you stomped through the muck/mud at Crown with your bitchin' boots and your head-lamp. It made me laugh.
2. Stayin' Alive by the Bee-Gee's
3. Okay -- I'd like to go roller skating/blading with yas.. From hearing you describe it, it sounds like fun.
4. Don't fly off to Caid now! Just let go of the tent!
5. Crown tourney -- you FINALLY realizing who I was when I was in girl-clothes, and out of armor.
6. F** 'em if they can't take a joke!
7. What is your favorite comfort food?


wingedcorset April 18 2006, 13:24:00 UTC
My favorite comfort food tends to shift a lot depending on what I haven't been eating enough of. Right now I have been slacking on the fruits and veggies and this papaya is looking mighty fine. At other times, something fatty ans salty will be the best thing ever. It depends.


slydyr April 18 2006, 14:43:04 UTC
ok, I'm curious.Though things kinda scare me.


brat_grrl April 18 2006, 15:32:19 UTC
1. As usual, I dig your hair -- even short.. damn, you have great hair. Also, I really like the way you smell.
2. The 5th Element -- I could see you somewhere in that movie.. really.
3. Ya know -- A Road trip comes to mind. Nowhere in particular.. just a roadtrip.
4. The Four Horsemen are running through my life..
5. 11:45 Friday Night, Safford AZ. Driving to Circle K in my '78 Ford Bronco and seeing this 6'2 redhead in a black trench coat, smoking a cigarette, and thinking: "Oh my God, it is Satan!"
6. Drive your enemies before you, and listen to the lamentations of their women...
7. Will you possibly ever maybe grow your hair back? =)


slydyr April 18 2006, 16:11:49 UTC
1.) Thank you :) That means alot :)
2.) Really? I have often thought that myself...good choice.
3.) God! You have no idea how much I need a road trip. Especially to nowhere. Every day I leave work and i see the clouds forming over the mountains... and I want to go anywhere.
5.) He was.
6.) Again, Thanks! :) I dig me some lamentations.
7.) Yes! God YES! I can't take it sometimes that my father, the conservative, 70 year old republican has hair down to his shoulders.


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