Title: No More
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: Adult- swearing, sexual talk
Spoilers: Nothing major
Summary: My AU series. Ultimatums are exchanged. Sequel to
Disclaimers: I own nothing!
Notes: AU! This is AU! Comments please!
Ianto was quietly getting on with his work. He liked to do that. He felt most comfortable when no one noticed him and he could just slip into the background and not have to deal with people.
“Ianto!” Jack called, his voice commanding and forceful, sending thrills through Ianto’s body. The only thrills he ever had. It was the end of the day. Gwen had been sent home to Rhys. Owen had run off after her and Tosh was just sneaking out then.
“Ianto, my office. Now.”
Ianto grinned. It was time. Now he was transformed into nothing but Jack’s fuck toy. No feelings, no pain but the physical. Fuck toys didn’t feel anything. Just the pleasure of being fucked.
Jack’s face was hard and firm when Ianto faced him and Ianto wondered how forceful it was going to be that night.
“Ianto,” Jack said and his voice had a very definite edge to it.
Ianto put on his submissive look. “What do you want from your fuck toy tonight, sir?”
“I want you to kiss me.”
Ianto felt his body jerk. “I can’t do that, sir. Fuck me, beat me, make me suck your cock. But I won’t kiss you.”
“And you won’t stay, will you?” Jack asked and his voice was bitter. “You never stay.”
Ianto faced him defiantly. “And why would you want me to stay?”
“’Cause you’re fucking important to me, Ianto! Why can’t you see that?” Jack, overcome with anger and passion, jerked towards Ianto, arms wide.
Ianto took a step back. “I don’t want to be important to you, Jack. I want to be nothing. I am nothing.”
Jack grabbed Ianto in his arms and pulled him close, cradling his face in a gentle hand. Ianto tensed in the too-soft touch.
“You’re not nothing, Ianto. You’re important to me, at least. Can’t you see that?”
“I don’t want it. Can’t you get that through that thick skull? You, of all the fucking people in the world, you should be able to understand that. I give you sex. Nothing but sex. Any sex you want and you want more?”
“I don’t care about the fucking, Ianto. I care about you. And I want more.”
Ianto glared at Jack, trying to pull away from his embrace. “Well, you’re not getting more. This is it.”
Jack pushed Ianto away hard. “Then you can go. Now. And when you come back tomorrow, this will be over. No more. I’ve had enough of empty fucking.”
Ianto, who had stumbled from the push, righted himself and looked hard at Jack.
“Fine. You don’t want me so I’ll find someone else to fuck me.” He turned and walked away.
He could feel Jack watching him. Damn him, he thought. Fuck the self-righteous git. Ianto could cope without him. He could. He needed Jack no more. He would find someone else to fuck him. Someone who would really hurt him.