and people will never in a million years realize that what these companies are telling them is bullshit, they dont get that when you have so much power over people you dont have to be truthful with them, look at the president.
people eat fast food because its conveniant, and sometimes delicious. I'd say people are overweight because theyre lazy, lazy as fuck. Too lazy to cook their own damn food, which is why they eat out, and too lazy to exercise to counteract the shit they eat. I personally ate shit like that a lot but i worked out everyday, and i still lost weight. And some people are overweight just based on genetics fool, not everyone is a lazy ass slob. It all comes down to decisions, these places dont put guns to peoples heads and make them eat there, theyre businesses, their job is to sell, stop hatin.
i agree with you, some people don't have the money or time to be able to eat healthy all the time, that is a good counter arguement to my short essay. fast food companies pay hundreds of millions of dollars every year in advertisements, dont you think they probably hire people to make their food look as appealing and as unhealthy as possible? it's like politicians now a days, they hire consultants who know exactly what to tell people to get the votes, its not about the product anymore, its all about how you present it.
I don't know if you noticed but all this was covered by morgan spurlock in supersize me. But keep trying someday you'll be a femenist activist revolutionary. Its hardcore.
haha i hate you, but anywho, i'm speaking more of people's ignorance towards their diet in general, its easy to pick any huge fast food chain and eat their food for a month and prove how shitty it is.
Comments 16
If you haven't already, I suggest that you read Fast Food Nation it's exactly what you are talking about.
its good shit hah.
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