Not Quite a Drabble: Possibilites

Jun 01, 2005 21:26

You have much to answer for.* Yes, you know who you are. Don't pretend like you don't.

"Don't do this," he replies, and deflects the touch impatiently. At first he won't look at you, but when he finally does meet your eyes, his look is hot. Defiant.

"You want it," comes the murmured response.

"You can't know what I want."

"Alright, then, I want it."

"But there are so many things more important to you."

He stalks away from his own office, his life's work, his words and his thoughts, and you know he is right and wrong at the same time.

There are also so many things more important to him.

*Yes, yes, I know, all you people I have beta'd for. It's late and I'm crabby because I just wrote that. *points up*

There is no more where that came from. This is not a teaser! I'm not kidding. *shakes fist at you* *and you, too, for good measure* *stomps off*

UPDATE: *sigh* Ozone - PG, JO/DJ

first drabble series, stargate

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