Fic Rec: Rosemending

Apr 25, 2005 13:35

Rosemending's website

Mostly EW/OB

Includes Go on and Just...

Wanking - Wanking Sean B. is one of my favorite short things... Heh. Short things...

Rent Boy and Other Elijah Angst


You can find the author herself at rosemending. Recently she has taken to writing various scary squick!fics *rolls eyes*. But she has a funny series of all Orli's characters interacting with Chopper from BHD and she is planning another round of Cherry, I believe. Everything she does is interesting and clever. Even the incest and bestiality... :)

In my RL journal, this entry is entitled "Obsession and Addiction"

Once upon a time there was a story.

It may have been very soon after I joined LOTR_RPS, back in the summer of 2002.

[The summer of 2002 was right after my second layoff. I had discovered FPS in the run-up to being laid off. There was nothing for me to do at work. There wasn't a single piece of paper unfiled in the office. I would go around and ask other paralegals if there was anything I could help out with. I had updated all the legal reference materials. There was just *nothing* to do. I was very anxious, as I knew this could not be a good sign. But out of total boredom, I started surfing the net, and discovered FPS. I read the entire Library of Moria and the Femgeeks site and was a complete addict by the time I got laid off. And I had just started Beyond The Fellowship, Closer_Than_Brother's old, unofficial archive.So, in the empty, depressing weeks of the summer of 2002, I finished most of BTF and then joined LOTR_RPS.]

Early on there was this story, which I believe was titled "Why Don't You Just?" I kept it in my saved messages on yahoo for months. Eventually, I trashed it.

Recently, I have been looking for it, and I believe it is gone forever. First, I checked Mirrormere, LOTR_RPS' official archive. Not there. Then I searched the list archives of both LOTR_RPS and Closer_Than_Brothers, even though I was sure that the story was posted too long ago and those files were no longer accessible. Couldn't find it. Then, posted looking for story message, first on LOTR_RPS, with 2335 members, then on CTB, with 1641. No response. At this point, I had a serious mini-obsession going. Did a thorough search engine sweep, with no success. Then, thought of LJ. Poked around for slash groups that might have known about the story, and even joined a very embarrassing community, so that I could post a query. Of course, then belatedly noted that the group had, like, 12 members and the last posting was in July... Then I went over to Fellow_Shippers, who recommend LOTRIPS_Finders, who recommended Pop_Finders. And finally, as a last, desparate resort, joined NSYNC_Slash_Fiction (557 members, including me, #557), over at YahooGroups.

Nobody has ever heard of this story.

But it was really good. First, I should say that I didn't know who the other half of the slash was when I read EW/Justin Timberlake. Didn't have half a clue. I just read along. It was kind of hard to figure out what was going on at first. EW gets dropped off, in a heavy rain, by a limo at some house. He has been give a code to get past the security system and let himself in the front door by the owner's sister. So he goes into this empty, quite house and finally finds this guy, who has just finished working out. The guy first thinks that EW is some intruder, but once EW convinces him that EW was sent by his sister, they eventually end up in bed. (This story apparently took place right after the big breakup with Brittany, about which I also(still) knew nothing, and JT's sister and friends had been sending him strangers for sex. EW is obviously the first/only boy they've sent over.) The guy is straight, but EW bottoms from the top, and, this being slash, everybody gets laid. Some lovely, ahem, erotic imagery by the author. But then there is a wonderful, angsty post-coital conversation about each of their motivations, where Justin asks, "Why don't you just..." and EW responds, "...tell Orli I love him?"

It was a really well written piece. Possibly enhanced by how long it took me to figure out what was going on. And oddly enough, that week at the grocery store, Justin Timberlake (whom I'd never seen before) had the cover of some big magazine. And at least in that picture, he did look shockingly like OB.

Oh, well.

The bizzare saga of CK's slash addiction and a missing crossover story...

lotr recs, fic recs

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