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Jun 12, 2009 19:13

I just watched star trek in the imax cinema! Finally! It was amazing. I haven't been this pleased with a recent film in such a long time.
It was better than I thought, and I thought it'd be excellent. Even before the actual title of the film came up I got teary eyed when Kirk's dad died. Simon Pegg was hilarious, I was glad there was humour, and I thought Zachary Quinto was perfect as Spock. Kirk, too, was very good. I loved it when it showed little Spock. The whole future-ness feel of the whole thing...I love, like I do with Firefly/Serenity. Some books/tv shows/films show the future but I don't really like how they show it, but these show it just as I think is perfect. It's just the feel of it. I'm bad at explaining. I am very uninformed about anything Star Trek. I only used to watch Star Trek the next generation when I was small.
I almost didn't go, as I had an appointment for an injection I completely forgot about, but I managed to get it changed to a later day so I could go (we had bought tickets online). So the day started off very badly. We (my sister and I) almost didn't find the cinema, too, but luckily we managed to.
I was afraid I was going to be very disappointed like I was when I went to see the Dark Knight in the imax cinema. It wasn't so much the film but the bad mood I was in and sitting at the very front so I had to look straight up, and I'd been looking forward to it for months. But this was unbelievably better. I wish the film was longer!
And now I am sad I cannot experience that greatness again. I hope they make another one.


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