Title: Chase’s Diagon Experience
Author: kanedax
Pairing List Entry: #27: Fred Weasley - Harry Potter / Cordelia Chase - BtVS/Angel
Rating: PG-13 for mild language
Spoilers: Buffy Season 5, Angel Season 2
Notes: This pairing is tenuous at best. I wanted to make this as conceivable as possible, considering that I’m dealing with two universes where 1)
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Comments 10
Very nice. I love how Cordelia's sphere of knowledge includes Druidic texts and Cosmo, but gets a little hazy outside of that. The mirror's a nice idea. (I wonder, do you intend it as a common form of magical communication, or one that only works for twins?) And Willow in Diagon Alley, especially pre-bad craziness Willow, shielding herself from official recognition and Aurors, is intriguing. Good job.
The mirror's a concept that's similar to the mirror Sirius gave Harry. They never said how it worked, but I was assuming it was a direct line of communication between the two, as opposed to the Floo Network. I think of Floo as a phone line, while the mirror's more of a walkie-talkie.
Hey, in 2000 Harry Potter was still for the kids and the nerds.
True. I imagine Wes might know it, but if Fred hadn't arrived yet, and gotten over the cave girl thing, I guess he wouldn't have anyone to discuss it with. (Still, I can imagine Angel, Gunn and a whole pack of demons interrupting a fight to argue HP canon, and then being ashamed to admit they knew it.)
Thanks a lot for reading! I always love when people find my old work. I have plenty more fanfiction from various fandoms if you're interested:
*end shameless plug*
and now I want more Cordy/fred though... :/
I really hope you'll post this to btvs_hp! ♥
If you'd like to plug me at the btvs hp site, I wouldn't complain. I'd do it myself, but it's such an OLD piece that I personally read it and think "wow, that's not very good".
As you can tell, Fred's still alive. Proof enough that it's pre-DH.
Anyway thanks! I'll definitely rec you at the site!
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