Title: Stained Glass II: Jagged (2/4)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Steve/Diana (Steve does not appear in this chapter), Clark/Bruce (Bruce does not appear in this chapter)
Genres: Angst, Challenge, Drama
Rating (this chapter): R
Claim: For the
dcu_freeforall Challenge
(Diana/Steve)Prompt: T 12; P 42: Scar/Scarred
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Comments 5
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This was a sad chapter, but I really liked Clark's role in it. He's very supportive and a great friend, even if he isn't entirely sure what to do.
They connect so well, being the powerful beings that they are. They understand worrying over fragile humans. :)
Oh poor Diana. That's probably the worst part of this. Is that it doesn't just make Steve hurt which would be bad enough, it makes everyone who loves you hurts too.
I really like how you have Clark helping her deal with all of this. I don't think enough people highlight the friendship they have.
The only thing that's keeping me through this is that I know it'll get better eventually. *peers at you* It *will* get better, right?
Update soon please!
Once in awhile they're actual quotes, but 99% are my own creations. :)
Oh poor Diana. That's probably the worst part of this. Is that it doesn't just make Steve hurt which would be bad enough, it makes everyone who loves you hurts too.
It's just as tough on the loved ones.
I really like how you have Clark helping her deal with all of this. I don't think enough people highlight the friendship they have.
They have a lot in common with their unique abilities and backgrounds, and are very good friends.
The only thing that's keeping me through this is that I know it'll get better eventually. *peers at you* It *will* get better, right?
Update soon please!
I'm hoping to update soon! I'm working on uploading a ton of banners to my Profile Page tonight. :)
And I'm going to play with all my new icon space! *dances*
Yes, poor soul.
I know Diana can weather it, though...if only Steve can!
Diana is strong...is Steve as well?
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