Title: American (Thanksgiving) Triptych I: A Proper Feast (Triptych Series II) (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Mel/Johnny/Billie, Addie Swenson, Toby Swenson, Red Hamilton, Homer Van Meter, Russell Clark, Harry ‘Pete’ Pierpont, Charles Makley, various other characters
Fandom: Public EnemiesGenres: AU, Challenge, Holiday, Slice-Of
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Comments 6
Thank you, m'dear! They're very happy they did, too. ;)
My favorite was of course the last bit though, with all three of them in the hotel room, though I was really happy to see John get to have a feast with the boys!
Thank you, Sirius! :)
I'm known for writing food into my fics and getting people hungry! ;)
My favorite was of course the last bit though, with all three of them in the hotel room, though I was really happy to see John get to have a feast with the boys!
Yes, as my notes revealed, I originally thought of just Johnny and the boys for this story, but Mel and Billie were quite insistent on inclusion! :) But I was interested in writing something different with the three of them. I'm glad you enjoyed! :)
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story, and I got hungry writing it! ;)
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