LJ Third Anniversary Fic Request Meme

Oct 03, 2009 17:33

Yep, it’s been three years since I’ve been on LJ! I consider it a double anniversary: on October 24, 2006, I created this journal. On November 12, 2006, I made my first post. :)

It’s hard to believe that it’s been three years. I’ve loved it here, and made many good friends. If I’m half as good a friend as the caring people I’ve met here on LJ, I’ll consider myself doing well.

Why am I taking requests so early?

Three reasons:

1) I’d like to be able to fulfill at least one or two requests by one of those anniversary dates, LOL! Maybe I can work some Halloween into the mix. ;)

2) I need fresh prompts. My dcu_freeforall claims tables are coming along nicely but I’ve been staring at the same prompts for months. Need new ones!

3) I need a distraction. The past few days have been a bit of a bummer.

So, as my plate is full of a pro novel and claims tables and Halloween stories, I’m limiting my prompt count this year. The FIRST TWELVE get a story from me, so count carefully! ;)

The complete Master List is here.

I’m going to try for drabble-size morsels (ha, ha!) so am requesting one-word prompts (if necessary, two or three words is fine). No detailed scenarios! I’m going for Impressionist miniatures here. ;)

Pairings (or threesomes): please request those I’ve already written. The pairings that have their own Archive pages are:




Clex (SV)

Potpourri Archive: All other DC, Marvel, and non-comics pairings/threesomes can be found here.

Comics fandoms are great, but I’d be happy to take non-comics fandoms, too. You know my obsessions! ;)

I reserve the right to incorporate your request into existing and future Challenges of all types! ;)

Thank you for being such a wonderful flist! *hugs*

meme, lj third anniversary fic request

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