Title: The Lobster Carried A Blue Flower In His Claw (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce*, Joe O’Reilly, Alma Henderson, Dan Pierowski, Leona Appulis
Continuity: Man Of Steel/Batman BeginsGenres: Angst, Drama, Slice-Of-Life
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Comments 10
And then the parallel with Bruce also on his quest for answers ad the foreshadowing and potential for a future in the last paragraph. *sigh* Lovely!
Thank you! This story was a long time in the writing and then sat around for awhile until I had time to polish it up, but the ending was always in my mind. It was just the journey getting there that took awhile! ;)
Glad you enjoyed it. Once it started to flow I enjoyed it, too. :)
Oh, and Clark's sections made me miss the sea a lot too...
Thank you for sharing, Brady! :)
The seaside scenes are from my vacations in Maine over the years. ;)
Mirror image works well with these two. ;)
I'm glad the seaside sounds worked for you! The Maine shore is beautiful at any time of year. :)
Yet even amidst the beauty and camaraderie, there's the loneliness. Hold on, Clark - Bruce is out there too.
Thank you! I love setting the scene, especially in places I know well. :)
Poor Clark just seemed like the loneliest man on earth in this movie. Bruce is always lonely! Together they can fix that. :)
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