2009 DCU Fic/Art St. Patrick's Day Challenge

Jan 30, 2009 23:28

Last year was pretty successful with an Irish-inspired Challenge, so I thought it would be fun to do another one! :)

I’m posting this a bit early to include it in my monthly announcements. Goddess, is it the end of the month already?

The complete Master List is here.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to write a story or create visual arts (illos, manips, icons) with the theme of ‘luck’ connected to either traditional St. Patrick’s Day fun (parades, parties, green beer, beads, shamrocks, etc.), or to magical doings (leprechauns immediately come to mind), or Irish mysticism in the Wiccan, Pagan and/or Druidic traditions.

Good luck or bad luck? Your choice! ;)

Bonus points for including as many Irish-related or green objects (or a Martian or two!) as possible. ;)

For artists/icon-makers/manip-makers, St. Patrick’s Day symbols such as those listed above would count. I know it’s a little difficult to draw ‘luck’ unless it’s a shamrock! ;)

The Usual Suspects:

Genre: Humor, romance, hurt/comfort, drama, etc. You know the drill! :)

Probably this holiday will inspire more upbeat stories (partying!) but dramatic tales are welcome, too.

Pairings (or threesomes, etc. ;) ): Slash, het, gen (this is DCU but if you’d like to write Clex, hey, that fits into the DCU! And this also includes not only comicsverse but movie-and-toonverses)

Rating: G all the way through to NC-17. Any story length.

Posting dates: February 17th-March 17th, 2009 (If you don’t make the deadline, don’t worry. We want to read your fic or look at your awesome art even it’s past St. Patrick’s Day!) :)

As always, please post your contributions here on this Main Page. If I get enough entries, I will do a Master List.

So here we go, writers, artists, icon-makers, manip-makers! Grab a mug of green beer, put on your shamrocks and green beads, and let’s party! ;)

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2009 dcu fic/art st. patrick's day chall, challenge

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