To Honor...(1/1)

Jul 23, 2014 17:46

Title: To Honor (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Oliver Queen (with a hint of Ollie/Tommy), Felicity Smoak, John Diggle
Continuity: Arrow
Genres: Angst, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Attempted rape
Spoilers: For Sacrifice (1x23), City Of Blood (2x21), and Unthinkable (2x23)
Summary: There is a promise to be kept.
Date Of Completion: May 30, 2014
Date Of Posting: July 23, 2014
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC and Warner Brothers do, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 484
Feedback welcome and appreciated.

Oliver smiled as he circulated amongst the Board members and their significant others. The champagne was excellent and the hors d’oeuvres exquisite. After five years on the Island he appreciated good food more than ever.

Champagne’s not bad, either.

He spoke to a female Board member while his mind went over his prospective patrol. He hoped that it would be uneventful. After the leveling of Starling City for the second time in two years, he had gone through more than enough with all the craziness of Deathstroke, Malcolm Merlyn and a dozen other enemies all primed and ready to take aim at him.

He saw Felicity in an ice-blue dress, her smile shy but paradoxically confident. The spangles glittered as she moved, her diamond earrings glittering as they swayed. Diggle moved unobstrusively in his dark suit, looking exceedingly handsome.

Oliver was charming, light-hearted and the perfect figurehead for Queen Industries. This was the civilized part of his life, light years away from his time on the island or his career as the Arrow.

He tamped down his grief over the loss of his mother and his worry over his missing sister. If he ached with loneliness and grief, he kept it to himself. There was a city to rebuild, once again.

& & & & & &

The night was cool, the spirals of smoke rising up from rubble. The gangs roamed the streets, filling the void left by an overworked and understaffed police force.

The Arrow stalked the ruined neighborhoods with bow in hand, leaping lightly from roof to roof. He saw three shabby men following a frightened woman down a shattered street. As they closed in on her, he took careful aim and the arrow sliced through the jacket of the lead thug, propelling him against a brick wall.

The other two looked up, blanching as they saw the Arrow. He drew back his bow, aiming for the second thug. He kept a clamp on his anger, staying cool as he drew a bead on the tough. His fingers twitched as he could have easily sent an arrow through the would-be rapist’s heart. Instead he aimed the arrow at the man’s arm and another to the third man’s leg. He swung down to approach the shaken woman.

“It’s all right, Miss.”

She looked about thirty and was dressed shabbily. “Th…thanks,” she stuttered.

“Come on, I’ll escort you home.” He dialed the local precinct on his cell phone and told them to come and get the three thugs.

He brought the woman to a rundown tenement and made sure she was safely inside her apartment. He went back up to the rooftops.

Back on the Island I would have killed those cretins. I might have done it last year, or at least hurt them a lot more. A sad smile curved his lips. But that wouldn’t be honoring your memory, would it, Tommy?

The Arrow continued on his patrol.

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