Colin/Bradley: Adorable On-Set Story

Apr 18, 2010 00:10

I hope feilongfan doesn't mind my linking it here, but all Colin/Bradley fans deserve to know about it! A hilarious on-set story from April 16th involving Colin, Bradley, the sun and a garbage can:

pic (c) Rainaiting
(ETA: More pics of the awesome here, courtesy of jhava! You can see their expressions and the course of the ~action~ a little bit more clearly.) ♥

It was getting late. Colin moved his chair to a spot behind Bradley and the garbage bin in order to enjoy the sun a bit longer. Seeing Colin's move, Bradley moved his chair as well. He put his chair in front of Colin and just stood there, with his back facing Colin, totally blocking the sun. Seeing Bradley with no intention to move, Colin had to poke him. Bradley turned around and (pretended) that he just realised what he did and said sorry. Then he put his chair behind Colin's and sat down.

Colin wouldn't let Bradley get away with it.


Also, she has some interesting tidbits about the filming of a Merlin/Arthur scene and Colin/Bradley here, but be warned for huge character spoilers!

ETA: There are also several new GORGEOUS on-set pictures (including tons of Colin/Bradley) here on the merlinlocations flickr account. This one is especially adorable. ♥

spoilers, resources: pictures, cast: colin morgan, cast: bradley james

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