Chance on Love
Chapter 11 (Look After You)
Look After You
The doorbell rang while Vala was elbows deep in soapy water in the kitchen. She cursed quietly and reached for a dish towel to dry her hands on.
The sound came again as she started to make her way to the door. Vala had to stop the automatic 'i'm coming' from coming past her lips as her gaze
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Comments 23
~Pip (who is commenting with her personal journal 'cause she is too lazy to log into her fic journal! ;P)
I just figured considering the whole nature of the 'drug addiction' that it would cause them much tears and anguish -I'm drawing from the stuff in Need, where I was intitially inspired to throw this plot twist into this story, especially from THAT scene in the storeroom. Thankfully this is something I've never had personal experience in (someone i know having an addiction), but from what I've seen, it causes a lot of tears...
I DO have experience with jealous friends though (a very recent incident which upset me very much...which might be where all the hostility in the characters is coming from), and that's what I'm seeing Jack and Carolyn as. Vala and Daniel (respectively) have been their 'charges' of a sort for so long, and they can't help but feel...abandoned and somewhat useless now that they've found someone else to turn to...
ANYWHO (sorry about the rant there), very happy you like it and I will be continuing it. And thanks for the review!~Pip
I like this story.
I infact put off writing a term paper, to read the entire series (up to date).
Its AU. Tell them to get over it. Its your story, you can do whatever you want.
I'll cry if you stop it.
Cry a lot.
I love it, I think its a really unique twist on AU.
Don't stop because one person decided to be an ass, I once had a writing teacher tell me this. "If you're only writing for others, than you're not being true to yourself. You need to write for you and screw everyone else." And I believe that, like my series (What Was Meant... which can be found at incredible_mo shameless plug) Is mine, I'm writing it for me, and I'm willing to lose readers for my choices. You should do the same thing.
If you're going to write for your readers, then write for me and my dog Nikki, because she laid with me while I was reading this.
Is that good enough reason to continue?
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