A day of rest. Whereby I wake up at 7am and then don't stop moving until 10pm. To start the (real) day, I joined other members of 20CF for church service at
Mars Hill. After two 'contemporary' songs played by a "jazz / funk" worship band, it was on to the sermon.
Sermon Download Five minutes into the sermon, we realized two things: a) it was
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Comments 13
As gender roles have changed, does the concept of acting like my gender also change?
I'm not sure how much gender roles have changed. The end of the book of Proverbs speaks directly about the Biblical wife, the ancient role of women. Yet this role was much more than "home maker".
But to answer your basic question, we are Biblically instructed on principles and methods. Principles are universal, like the "Ten Commandments", respecting God's authority, etc. The methods by which we follow the principles change depending on culture, like covering one's head in the early church versus "married women taking off her wedding ring and dressing as a stripper". So long as one's actions follow the Biblical principles, then the methods to do so can culturally vary.
Why not within a culture? It seems contradictory to me that tolerance across cultures is advocated while within a culture it is denied. It would trouble me if the Bible were read as having no faith in the individual's ability to decide how best to honor God, regardless of what the local culture happens to be.
And if this is the case, what do you say about such cases as working for a female employer as a man, etc.
(just curious)
To your second, "Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes,; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour." (Rom 13:7)
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